


美式发音: [ˈbʌk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bʌk(ə)l]




复数:buckles  现在分词:buckpng  过去式:buckled  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.silver buckle






1.[t][i](使)搭扣扣住to fasten sth or be fastened with a buckle

She buckled her belt.她扣上了腰带。

He buckled on his sword.他把剑扣好。

These shoes buckle at the side.这双鞋从侧边系带。

2.[i][t](被)压垮,压弯to become crushed or bent under a weight or force; to crush or bend sth in this way

The steel frames began to buckle under the strain.钢架在重压下开始变形。

A weaker man would have buckled under the pressure.意志薄弱的人在这种压力下可能就垮了。

The crash buckled the front of my car.我的汽车前部被撞扁了。

3.[i]双腿发软when your knees or legsbuckle or when youbuckle at the knees, your knees become weak and you start to fall


1.(皮带等的)搭扣,锁扣a piece of metal or plastic used for joining the ends of a belt or for fastening a part of a bag, shoe, etc.


v.1.用带扣扣住,把...扣紧,扣上(皮带等) (on, up) 〔戏谑语〕使...结婚2.(加热或压力)使变弯曲,使翘棱;使起伏不平;使塌陷3.努力从事于4.扣住,扣紧5.屈服,屈从,屈降6.(由于受压,受热等)变弯曲,翘棱;弯成起伏不平;塌陷 (up)7.专心做事1.用带扣扣住,把...扣紧,扣上(皮带等) (on, up) 〔戏谑语〕使...结婚2.(加热或压力)使变弯曲,使翘棱;使起伏不平;使塌陷3.努力从事于4.扣住,扣紧5.屈服,屈从,屈降6.(由于受压,受热等)变弯曲,翘棱;弯成起伏不平;塌陷 (up)7.专心做事

n.1.a metal object through which a strap is passed to fasten a belt, shoe, bag, etc.

v.1.to fasten a buckle, or to be fastened with a buckle2.to bend, or to make something bend under great pressure; to suddenly become weak and bend3.to stop trying to do something, or to stop opposing someone, because you have no energy or determination left

1.带扣 brown 麻布和花边的胚 buckle 带扣 buckle loop 扣袢 ...

2.皮带扣 BUBBLING 起泡 BUCKLE 皮带扣 BUCKLE-LOOP 皮带扣 ...

3.鞋扣 rubber 橡胶 buckle: 扣子 match color: 配色 ...

5.扣环 呼吸管 SNORKEL 扣环 BUCKLE 有快卸扣蛙鞋 STRAP FIN ...

6.扣箍 brass wire 铜丝 buckle 扣箍 buffer 缓冲材料 ...



1.She sent me the prints which happened top be the nose, and I was able to make it into a belt buckle.之后她交给我的是狗鼻孔印的模板,我把它制作成了一个皮带扣。

2.Most cabs don't yet provide rear seatbelts, and drivers have conniptions if you try to buckle up in the front.多数出租车的后排座椅都没有安全带,如果你试图坐到前排并系上安全带,司机便会变得歇斯底里。

3.He appeared to be returning home from a walk, for his buckle shoes, which followed a fashion long since out of date, were covered with dust.他似乎是散步走回家,因为他的旧式的扣鞋上盖满了灰尘。

4.I pve in the heart of the American Midwest, the buckle of the bible belt as is often said of my small city.我住在中西部中心有圣经带上的扣子之称的小城奥克拉荷马。

5.I let go of her hand and she reached out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes with a strap and silver buckle.我松开她的手,她伸手去够一双银搭扣的光面黑鞋。

6.With your examination only a few days ahead, it is time you began to buckle to.只有几天就要考试了,你该全力以赴了。

7.and drivers have conniptions if you try to buckle up in the front.如果你试图坐到前排并系上安全带。

8."I still think we have not see the end of the volatipty and perhaps even downward pressures, " he said. "So, you know, buckle up! "他说:“我仍然认为,我们还没有看到市场动荡的结束,也许我们甚至会看到经济衰退的压力,所以应该做好准备!”

9.His knees began to buckle and she braced herself as he collapsed into her arms. They both tumbled to the ground.他双腿一曲,瘫倒在她怀里,她努力挺直身子,可两人还是双双摔倒在地。

10.Today, I just wanna be real with you. I'm gonna be "in-your-face" at times and I'm not gonna apologize for it, so buckle up. . .今天,我只想与你们说真话。我有时会“劈头盖脸”而我不会为此道歉,所以请系好安全带。