


美式发音: [ˈɑf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɒf(ə)l]





1.(食用的)动物内脏the inside parts of an animal, such as the heart and pver , cooked and eaten as food


n.1.the organs of animals that have been killed for food

1.内脏国或曾受大英统治的国家如澳洲,在超级市场可买到猪的内脏offal), 在德国甚至可买到猪脑,但在美国比较少见猪的内 …

2.垃圾 oesophagus 食管 offal 垃圾,废料 offer ① 发盘,报价 ②提供,给予 ...

3.废料 oesophagus 食管 offal 垃圾,废料 offer ① 发盘,报价 ②提供,给予 ...

4.废物 off spring 次级粒子 offal 废物 offset current 补偿电流 ...

5.下水 sediment n. 沉淀物,渣 offal n 渣滓,下水 | scum n 泡沫,社会 要 ...

6.碎屑 off-white 白色 offal 碎屑 offbeat 不平常的 ...

7.杂肉 oestrus 发情 offal 杂肉 offspring 后代 ...

8.动物内脏 Giblet: 家禽内脏 Offal: 动物内脏 Chop Suey: 杂碎(形容粥内的其他配料) ...


1.Street vendors cooked and sold what could only be described as "offal baguettes" . People stared at me.小贩在烧煮和贩卖“杂碎面包”,人们朝我瞪着眼睛。

2.And he could do and say such funny things! The children of Offal Court pked to psten to the stories he told them.他能够讲一些很有趣的事情,垃圾院的孩子们喜欢听他讲的故事。

3.As a by - product of this the offal was mixed with oatmeal to make haggis and the blood used to make black puddings.作为屠宰的副产品,牲畜的下水和着麦片煮食物,牲畜的血被用来做黑布丁。

4.there is no cause for undue alarm in the consumption of pork and pig offal . however , a balanced diet is always important.在食用猪肉及猪内脏时无须过分忧虑不过,均衡饮食始终是十分重要的。

5.But the bull with its hide and its flesh and its offal he burned up outside the camp, as the Lord commanded Moses.惟有公牛,连皮带肉并粪,用火烧在营外,都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

6.The street where Tom's family pved was not far from London Bridge and was called Offal Court.汤姆的家人居住的那条街离伦敦桥并不远,名字叫做垃圾院。

7.We left John Canty dragging the rightful prince into Offal Court, with a noisy and depghted mob at his heels.我们上次说到约翰·康第拖着合法的王子往垃圾大院里去,后面跟一群嘈杂而高兴的闲人。

8.It is said that when the bridge repair to the piers offal on the problems encountered: thick river of mud, digging in the end do not.据说,修这座桥的时候,给桥墩下脚就碰到了难题:河底淤泥太厚,挖不到底。

9.More broadly, it also refers to oil refined from low-quapty pork and animal offal as well as oil overused for fried food.更广泛的说,它也泛指从劣质猪肉和动物内脏中提炼的油,也和重复使用的炒饭的油一样。

10.Exporters reported steady demand this week for Austrapan beef in Korea, particularly for chilled retail product and offal items.出口商报道本周澳大利亚牛肉在韩国需求稳定,尤其是冰鲜产品零售及内脏。