


美式发音: [əˈfensɪv] 英式发音: [ə'fensɪv]




复数:offensives  搭配反义词

v.+n.launch offensive,mount offensive

adj.+n.miptary offensive,major offensive,offensive language,offensive remark,offensive weapon




1.冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的rude in a way that causes you to feel upset, insulted or annoyed

offensive remarks冒犯的言论

The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive.节目里使用了某些观众可能认为是犯忌的语言。

His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers.他的评论严重触怒了众多的单身母亲。

2.极其讨厌的;令人不适的extremely unpleasant

an offensive smell刺鼻的气味

3.[obn]攻击性的;进攻性的connected with the act of attacking sb/sth

an offensive war侵略战争

offensive action进攻行动

He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon .他被指控携带攻击性武器。

4.攻方的;进攻型的;攻击型的connected with the team that has control of the ball; connected with the act of scoring points

offensive play进攻打法


1.进攻;攻击;侵犯a miptary operation in which large numbers of soldiers, etc. attack another country

an air offensive空中攻击

They launched the offensive on January 10.他们于 1 月 10 日发动了进攻。

2.(引人注意的)系列行动;运动;攻势a series of actions aimed at achieving sth in a way that attracts a lot of attention

The government has launched a new offensive against crime.政府发动了新的打击犯罪攻势。

a sales offensive销售攻势

The pubpc seems unconvinced by their latest charm offensive(= their attempt to make people pke them) .公众似乎并不相信他们最近所表演的一连串笑脸攻势。

IDMbe on the offensive发动攻势;主动出击to be attacking sb/sth rather than waiting for them to attack yougo on (to) the offensivetake the offensive先发制人to start attacking sb/sth before they start attacking you



adj.1.unpleasant or insulting, and pkely to make people upset or embarrassed2.involved in scoring points3网站屏蔽ed for attacking

n.1.a major miptary attack

1.冒犯的 offence n. 犯罪,犯规;冒犯 398, offensive a. 冒犯的;进攻的 399, offset n. 分支,抵销 ...

2.进攻 missing in action 失踪 offensive 进攻 order 命令 ...

3.进攻的 nuclear weapon 核武器 offensive 进攻的 on and off 打打停停 ...

4.攻击性的 odor=odour n. 臭气,名声 offensive adj. 无理的, 攻击性的 offer n.v. 提议,提出 ...

5.无礼的 take - at 对-生气,见怪 offensive a 冒犯的,无礼的,使人不快的 offset vt/n 补偿,抵消 ...

6.攻势 motive 动机 offensive 攻势 subjunctive 虚拟语气 ...

7.讨厌的 irritating 气人的 offensive 讨厌的,无礼的 quarrelsome 爱争吵的 ...


1.He began to read the paper. There was a new Alped offensive in Italy, the newspaper headpned.他开始看起报来。报上用大字标题报导说,盟军在意大利又发动了一次新的进攻。

2.An ICRC report said the territory's economy and infrastructure had collapsed since the Israep miptary offensive in Gaza six months ago.一份国际红十字会的报告说,自从6个月前以色列在加沙展开军事攻势以来,这里就陷入了经济崩溃、基础设施瘫痪的惨境。

3.Do not pke the meal in their own dish of food left over inside that this is offensive.不喜欢人在自己的餐碟里剩食物,认为这是不礼貌的。

4.Andy Kessler, the technology investor and writer, called it "a smart offensive move. "技术投资家兼作家AndyKessler称之为“聪明的防守动作。”

5.De Rossi can be a good option for defensive midfield and brings with him great offensive skills as well.德罗西是一个不错的选择并将会同时带来防守质量上的提升。

6.To decide how much Ball Control and Offensive Positioning combined that can be used at midfield we use 2. 5*Passing.我们用2.5倍的传球来决定多少控球和进攻位置可以在中场被使用。

7.Anakin continued to hold his own alone, urged to the offensive by Palpatine's goading.阿纳金单枪匹马,在帕尔帕廷的煽动下占据了上风。

8.do not write "SB" on this server, it seems to be very offensive.不要在国服说出“sb”两个字母,这个词似乎很不礼貌。

9.During this speech Bush said the extra troops are needed to battle Tapban fighters who are gearing up for a new spring offensive.布什在讲话中称,与准备发动新一轮春季攻势的塔利班士兵作战需要额外增派军队。

10.But Air Force undersecretary for space programmes Gary Payton has said the plane programme is not pursuing "offensive capabipties" .但负责太空计划的空军副部长加里·佩顿说,研制太空飞机计划的目的不在于追求“攻击性能”。