


美式发音: ['ɡoʊfə] 英式发音: [ˈɡəʊfə(r)]






1.囊地鼠;囊鼠a N American animal pke a rat , that pves in holes in the ground

n.1.【动】地鼠;金花鼠2.【动】(美国南部)可以食用的龟; 沙龟3.【IT,计】地鼠程序,许多图书馆在因特网上使用的一种卡片索引程序4.〈非正式,俚〉明尼苏达州人1.【动】地鼠;金花鼠2.【动】(美国南部)可以食用的龟; 沙龟3.【IT,计】地鼠程序,许多图书馆在因特网上使用的一种卡片索引程序4.〈非正式,俚〉明尼苏达州人

n.1.[Animal]a small furry animal mainly found in North and Central America. It has a short tail and pves in holes that it digs in the ground2.[Animal]a kind of edible land tortoise in southern North America3.[IT,Computer]an Internet system that organizes files into menus containing pnks to text files, graphic images, databases, and additional menus4.<informal,slang>a native or resident of Minnesota, the United States1.[Animal]a small furry animal mainly found in North and Central America. It has a short tail and pves in holes that it digs in the ground2.[Animal]a kind of edible land tortoise in southern North America3.[IT,Computer]an Internet system that organizes files into menus containing pnks to text files, graphic images, databases, and additional menus4.<informal,slang>a native or resident of Minnesota, the United States

1.囊地鼠 chinchilla 南美栗鼠 gopher 囊地鼠 Guinea pig 豚鼠 ...

2.谷佛 * Esmeralda - 爱斯梅达 * Gopher - 谷佛 * Hades - 凯帝斯 ...

3.金花鼠)舰空导弹 9M39舰空导弹 SA-N-9“金花鼠”(Gopher)舰空导弹 9M330舰空导弹 SA-N-10“手钻”(Gimlet)舰空导弹 9M313舰空导 …

4.信息鼠 电子论坛 Listserv 信息鼠 Gopher 环球信息网 WWW ...

5.歌斐木端登入(Telnet)、档案传输协 定(FTP)、地鼠资讯查询系统Gopher)、和全球资讯网等(World Wide Web)。


1.Back in the early days of the internet, people used gopher and IRC servers for communication.在互联网发展的初期,人们使用Gopher协议和IRC服务器来交流。

2.But the boy, who was called Little Gopher, was not without a gift of his own.这个小孩,人们都叫他:小高梵。小高梵并不是一个没有天赋的小孩。

3.With the gopher problem resolved, the fields at Columbia Park began to receive regular use.随着地鼠问题的解决,哥伦比亚公园内的球场开始得到定期的使用。

4.Neighboring Minnesota, "The Gopher State, " is named for a much nicer animal that builds hills and tunnels.与之相邻的明尼苏达州,也称作囊地鼠州,它是以一种温和的多的,善于穿山和地道的动物命名的。

5.And God said unto Noah, Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.神对诺亚说,你要用歌斐木造一只方舟,分一间一间地造,里外抹上松香。

6.White mouse, big white rat, gopher, guineapig and rabbit for laboratory are not infected with the disease.实验动物中小白鼠、大白鼠、地鼠、豚鼠和家兔对本病不感染。

7."Well? " Gopher's voice demanded. "What do you think? "“喂!”谷佛说:“你觉得怎么样啊?”

8.A gopher comes out of its tunnel.一只地鼠爬出地洞。

9.Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make rooms in the ark and shall cover it within and without with pitch.你要用歌斐木造一只方舟,里面要有隔间,方舟内外要涂上松香。

10.The curl command lets you retrieve data from a server using the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, DICT, TELNET, LDAP, or FILE protocols.curl命令使您可以使用HTTP、HTTPS、FTP、FTPS、Gopher、DICT、TELNET、LDAP或FILE协议从服务器检索数据。