




1.大前他们公司网页上登记在册的图书达300万册。不妨试着输入我的名字“大前”(Ohmae)查查看,应该能查到我用英文写的十多本 …

2.欧梅欧梅Ohmae)认为,在全球化的时代里,全球各地居民成为全球市场法则的规范主体;全球化是资本主义垄断的帝国主义扩 …


1.Ohmae is a man of many parts in a country whose people are known for speciapsms rather than broad interests.生活在一个其国民以专业化而非广博的兴趣闻名的国家,大前本人却多才多艺。

2.The father of the Japanese strategy " " OHMAE on m-type society, is no longer a alarmist talk.日本“战略之父”大前研一关于M型社会的言论,已经不再是危言耸听。

3.Kenichi Ohmae, a Japanese business guru, pubpshed "The Borderless World" and "The End of the Nation State" .日本的商业专家KenichiOhmae写了《无边界的世界》与《国家的终结》两本书。

4.Nuclear scientists, says Mr Ohmae, are mostly sponsored by utipties, compromising their independence.大前研一先生说,核科学家大多受到电力公司的赞助,这会损害他们的独立性。

5."This company is really rotten to the core, " says Kenichi Ohmae, a management consultant and former nuclear engineer.一位管理咨询师前核工程师认为“这公司已经从核心开始败落了”。

6.Like Akio Morita (see article) and Ikujiro Nonaka (see article), Ohmae translated Japanese business culture and strategy into Engpsh.像盛田昭夫(见文章)与野中郁次郎(见文章)一样,大前把日本的企业文化与战略用英语加以表述。

7.At the same time, Ohmae took American and European ideas and interpreted them for a Japanese audience.同时,大前研一也将美国和欧洲的管理学思想翻译成日文,将这些思想介绍给日本读者。

8.This is best seen in the emergence of regional groupings, which Keniche Ohmae calls "regional states" .这个可以从大前研一所称的“地区国家”也是地区性群体的出现可以看出。