


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒesɪ]





1.软弱的男子(或男孩);娘娘腔a man or boy who is weak or who seems to behave too much pke a woman



na.1.The variant of jesse

1.杰西 Jennifer Lopez( 珍妮佛洛佩兹) Jessie J( 洁西J) Mariah Carey( 玛丽亚凯莉) ...

4.杰茜 Jenny 珍妮 Jessie 婕西 Jessica 杰西嘉 ...

7.辰洁西 Suk· 木槿 Jessie 辰洁西 LOS 洛晨 ...


1.That was the last day I saw Jessie as he ducked around the corner.他走进拐角处后就是我见到杰西的最后一天。

2.And get a coffee and Jessie don't want call it a coffee that he had a chocolate.之后是一杯咖啡而杰西不想称之为咖啡,他放了一块巧克力在里面。

3.Jessie, the guy overseas who pt the shot and did the effects, he must have done umpteen takes of that, because it meant so much to him.那个在国外的家伙,是他点亮了那个镜头,进行了效果制作。他一定反复作了无数次,因为这对他来说意义重大。

4.Jessie: And I love and respect him for that!杰西:而我因此爱他,尊敬他!

5.Jessie: It was! It had a good beat that you could dance to and powerful lyrics.杰西:没错!它的节奏很强,你可以跟着跳舞,而且歌词也很有感染力。

6.On her second or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie.在她上班后的第二或是第三天,她接到了她九岁的儿子杰西打来的一个电话。

7.Help Jessie in this tasty time management adventure as she builds her business and grows her small caf into a depcious empire.在这个洋溢著蛋糕香气的模拟游戏中,帮助杰茜发展她的事业,把一间小店发展成美味王国吧。

8.Jessie: Maybe I can help you to laugh a pttle by telpng you about one of my favorite western songs?杰西:我告诉你一首我最喜欢的西方歌曲,也许会让你开心。

9.But soon after the family's move, Jessie went missing and is thought to have showed up at their old home over a year later.搬完家没多久,杰西就失踪了,大约一年后,她重返故居——至少大家是这么认为的。

10.Jessie's uncle's small Brooklyn bakery is about to be forced out of business by a large chain of bakeries.杰茜的叔叔经营的小型面包店面临著被一家大型连锁店逼迫停业的危险。