


网络释义:卵巢过度刺激综合征(ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome);卵巢过度刺激综合症;卵巢过度刺激症候群


1.卵巢过度刺激综合征(ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome)在卵巢过度刺激综合征OHSS)患者中,卵子冷冻是胚胎冷冻的有效替代方法。因为,遗弃过多的冷冻胚胎是一个很常见的现 …

2.卵巢过度刺激综合症偶有卵巢过度刺激综合症OHSS)发生如果出现腹痛 腹胀 恶心 呕吐 腹泻和呼吸困难 可能是OHSS的表征 应立即通知医生

3.卵巢过度刺激症候群何谓卵巢过度刺激症候群OHSS)?OHSS顾名思义就是卵巢接受排卵药物治疗时,因为反应太好而衍生出来的一些症状,常 …

4.卵巢过度刺激征篇首: 卵巢过度刺激征(OHSS)是严重的医源性疾病,与所用的促排卵药物有关,在接受促排卵的患者中总体发生率约23.3%,其中 …




1.Objective To investigate the cpnical characteristics of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS) and its prevention and treatment.目的探讨卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的特征以及防治疗方法。

2.Objective: To investigate the diagnosis, treatment as well as misdiagnosis reasons of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS).前言:目的:探讨卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的诊治要点和误诊原因。

3.Results: the symptoms of the patients with OHSS got improved though folpcle aspiration. this treatment is convenient safe anol effective.结果:OHSS患者在行卵泡抽吸术后症状缓解快,效果满意。

4.Objective To investigate the cpnical characteristics and treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS).目的探讨卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的临床表现及相应的治疗对策。

5.Conclusions: Folpcular score has good correlation with E2 concentration in serum, and two indications can predict the occurrence of OHSS.结论:卵泡分值与血清E2水平有良好的相关性,二种指标均可预测OHSS的发生。

6.Despite the acquired knowledge regarding the prediction and prevention of OHSS, 1. 8% of the patients still develop severe symptoms.尽管对于卵巢过度刺激症候群的预测和预防有瞭解,百分之一点八的诱发性排卵的患者会发展成严重的症状。

7.Objective: To summarize the effect of ultrasound-guided folpcle aspiration on Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome(OHSS).前言:目的:总结在超声引导下进行卵泡抽吸术治疗卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)的作用。

8.Methods Cpnical data of 31 moderate to sever OHSS patients were analyzed retrospectively.方法回顾分析本院发生的31例中、重度OHSS临床资料。

9.This article will give an overview about the progress in pathogenesis, classification and the measures to prevent OHSS.本文就近年对OHSS的发病机制、临床分期、相关因素和预防措施等研究进展做一综述。

10.Methods: Cpnical data of 51 OHSS patients were analyzed retrospectively.方法:回顾性分析51例OHSS患者的临床资料。