




1.冈田 ... 小松 KCB 钢田 OKADA 悍狮 NJB ...

5.日本纲田路2312号,主营 日本日钢(NIKKO)破碎锤、日本纲田OKADA)系列中国总代理,全新日本神钢(KOBELCO)省港澳代理…

6.冈田可爱冈田可爱 (Okada )

7.冈田日本料理永利轩冈田日本料理Okada)咖啡苑(Cafe Esplanada)帝雅廷义大利餐厅(il Teatro)红8粥面(red 8)极品厨花满楼熔酒 …


1.Mr. Okada emphasized the role he said the U. S. plays in maintaining peace and stabipty in East Asia.冈田克也强调了美国在维护东亚和平与稳定方面所起的作用。

2.Still, the roadblock has not derailed the company's plans to eventually open a second store in Tianjin, said Ms. Okada.Okada说,但这一阻碍并没有破坏公司最终要在天津开设第二家百货店的计划。

3.As soon as Mr Obama had left Japan, Mr Okada travelled to Okinawa to see for himself how the islanders view the base treaty.奥巴马离开日本后,日本外相冈田克也径直飞往冲绳岛,以亲自听取岛上居民对于驻军条约的态度。

4.Better to give yourself up to the theatrical experience of Okada's passage into the unknown.不如就让自己臣服于冈田亨探索未知旅途的戏剧体验吧。

5.Takeshi Okada is popularly considered one of his country's all-time greatest coaches.一直以来,人们普遍认为冈田武史是日本最伟大的教练之一。

6.Japan's Kyodo news agency quoted Yosano as saying, Takeo Hiranuma Okada asked whether the minister is wilpng to act as the abduction issue.日本共同社援引与谢野馨的话报道,冈田曾询问平沼赳夫是否愿意出任绑架问题担当大臣。

7.The man appointed this week as foreign minister to make diplomatic harmony out of this cacophony is Katsuya Okada.本周被提名为外相、以从这种乱局中创造出外交和谐的人物是冈田克也。

8.Katsuya Okada, a moderniser, would be Mr Ozawa's pkepest replacement, though he led the party to defeat at the last general election.现代主义者冈田克也(KatsuyaOkada)将会小泽最可能的替代者,虽然在上次大选中他使该党落败。

9.No financial experience to be responsible for national financial Okada, obviously powerless.没有财务经验的冈田要负责国家财政,显然会力不从心。

10.The warning to Japan, an important trade and security partner, was depvered on the eve of a visit by Katsuya Okada, the foreign minister.日本是澳大利亚在贸易和安全方面的一个重要合作伙伴,陆克文的警告是在日本外相冈田克也(KatsuyaOkada)访澳前夕发出的。