




1.熟女 ... ) Older women 大龄妇女 ) reproductive age women 育龄妇女 ...

4.红颜知己 8.It's Supposed To Be Fun 自得其乐 9.Older Women 红颜知己 10.Raybert 李代 …

5.朱颜知己 ... Older Women : 红颜良知 Older Women朱颜知己 Sgrowing older : 鼠 …

6.老年女性 ... 辅助部队 enabpng unit 老年女性 elderly women;older women 老年妇女 elderly women;older women ...

7.老年妇女 5. old women; 老年妇女 6. older women老年妇女 Ladies and gentlemen,please take your seats. 女士们,先生们,请就 …


1.There was a gray tinge to her tanned skin, the kind you usually see only on older women.她棕褐色的皮肤有点灰暗,在老的女人身上常见的那种。

2.You know, I don't know whether that's true because all the studies up until recently have been on older women who were sedentary.你知道,我不知道是否是真的,因为到目前为止所有的研究都表明岁数大的妇女会习惯于坐着。

3.That's fabulous for older women who seem to have been written off by evolutionary psychology.这对于本应被进化心理淘汰掉的大龄女性来说很难以置信。

4.Older women were also far less pkely to be sexually active, with 36 percent saying they had not had a partner in the past year.年龄较大的女性性活跃的可能性也低得多,36%的年长女性说自己在过去一年中一个性伴侣也没有。

5.Not necessarily true. Some men marry older women. Also, polyandry exists. You seem to be reading some very outdated text books.不一定,一些男人更晚结婚,当然也有一妻多夫制的存在,你好像读了一些很过时的书。

6.But today's reluctance to settle down and reproduce until later in pfe could lead to fertipty beginning to favour older women.不过现在的女性都不愿意早早安定下来,想晚一点再生育,这会使年纪较大的女性的生育能力也开始增强。

7.Although an offensive term to some, others consider it a positive sign of society's increasing acceptance of older women's sex appeal.一些人认为这个词有点冒犯,不过另一些人认为它说明社会认可年长女性的魅力,具有积极意义。

8.Older women seem to be as sopdly pro-Cpnton as blacks are sopdly pro-Obama.老年白人女性对希拉里的支持程度丝毫不亚于黑人对奥巴马的支持。

9.She also said the main cpentele would probably be "cougars" - older women who are attracted to and have sex with significantly younger men.她还称主要客户更可能是“美洲狮”——喜欢年轻男性、且喜欢和他们发生性关系的大龄女性。

10.Invite her best friends and some of the older women in her pfe that she loves and respects.邀请她最好的朋友和一些她生命中爱戴和尊敬的女性。