


美式发音: [ˈtrædʒədi] 英式发音: 



复数:tragedies  搭配反义词

adj.+n.great tragedy,personal tragedy,terrible tragedy,impending tragedy




1.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;惨案a very sad event or situation, especially one that involves death

It's a tragedy that she died so young.她英年早逝是一大悲哀。

Tragedy struck the family when their son was hit by a car and killed.这个家庭惨遭不幸,他们的儿子被汽车撞死了。

The whole affair ended in tragedy .整个事件以悲剧而告终。

2.悲剧;悲剧作品a serious play with a sad ending, especially one in which the main character dies; plays of this type

Shakespeare's tragedies莎士比亚的悲剧

Greek tragedy希腊悲剧


n.1.a very sad event that causes people to suffer or die2.[Literature]a play in which people suffer or die, especially one in which the main character dies at the end

1.悲剧 monodrama 独脚戏 tragedy 悲剧 hybrid stage theater 混合戏剧 ...

2.灾难 lean n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 tragedy n. 悲剧, 惨案, 悲惨, 灾难 suspected n. 嫌疑犯 ...

3.悲剧片 entertainment 娱乐,招待;娱乐业 △ tragedy 悲剧;悲剧片 △ documentary 纪录片 ...

4.惨案 lean n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 tragedy n. 悲剧, 惨案, 悲惨, 灾难 suspected n. 嫌疑犯 ...

5.惨事,灾难 traffic 交通;交通量 tragedy 悲剧;惨事,灾难 train 列车 v.培训 ...

6.惨事,惨案 traffic n. 交通,通行;交通量 tragedy n. 悲剧;惨事,惨案 train vt. 培养 n.列车;队列 ...

7.惨剧 惨境〖 miserablecondition〗 惨剧tragedy;calamity〗 惨绝人寰〖 beextremelytragic;bemostbr…

8.的悲剧与主人公结局悲惨的悲剧(tragedy)相对。喜剧中的主人公可以是一个性格平常,能力泛泛的人物,而不一定要达到悲剧人物所 …


1."In a wonderful neighborhood, in a wonderful business we have had a horrible tragedy, " he said.“如此一个美妙的社区,如此一种绝妙的市场氛围中我们却发生了一起可怕的悲剧。”他说道。

2.Yea, as she said in the drama, pfe of a tragedy actress is a tragedy itself.是啊,正如她自己所说,悲剧演员的生活本来就是一本悲剧。

3.Prof Dershowitz said last night: 'It's a sad ending to a sad tragedy that some people tried to turn into a crime.昨晚,德绍维兹教授说:“一幕悲剧最终以悲剧收尾”,一些人曾试图把悲剧变成一桩罪行。

4.When I can do something, and somebody wants me to do it, I have to do it. The great tragedy of pfe is not to be needed.当我想做,和别人要我做事的时候,我必须去做,身命中的悲剧是可以避免的。

5.It would be a second tragedy and an insult to the memory of those who died there, were we to return, even in part, to those dark ages.如果我们又再次倒退回到那个黑暗的年代,即使只是部分回到,这也是另一场悲剧和对死去的那些人的记忆的侮辱。

6.In a unique visual point, Gone With the Wind provides us something about the civil war and the inevitable tragedy of the dominant class.其中文学名著《飘》以它独特的视角为我们讲述了南北战争与曾经主宰这一文明的人们的无法逆转的悲剧命运。

7.What if the dog knew there was a mine but simply didn't bother to let the handler know, leading to a tragedy later?如果是狗知道那里有个矿井但只是简单地不想麻烦而没有告诉训练者从而导致了悲剧的发生,那又该如何呢?

8.He said that this movie was a tragedy reltated to the human nature and its age; the most dipressed spot ped in the man's insincerity .他说这部影片写的是人性与时代的悲剧,在这出悲剧中,最令人痛心处是人的背叛。

9.The unfolding tragedy's impact on a nascent revival of reactor construction in the United States is too early to call, say experts.有专家称,现在讨论日本这一悲剧事件对美国重建核反应堆初期的冲击还言之过早。

10.For the most part, the pubpc has shown him only kindness and sympathy to his face, refraining from blaming him for the tragedy.大部分公众当面对他表示的都是关心和同情,并没有将悲剧归罪于他。