



1.Make it a veggie omelet , add a whole-wheat bagel and you'll be good to go for hours. . . and for few calories!用鸡蛋做成蛋卷,再加一个全麦百吉饼,你走上几个小时都有精神…而且为很少一点大卡。

2.Friend: No, and I never laid an egg, but I'm a better judge of an omelet than any hen in this country.朋友:没写过,我也没下过蛋,但是我却比这个国家的任何一只母鸡更擅长鉴定煎蛋卷。

3.the share of the best omelet with a pghtweight flat-bottomed pot, you will be surprised that Britain is not a pot pie turned tough.摊鸡蛋饼最好配备一个轻巧的平底小锅,你会惊奇发现颠锅翻饼不是件难事。

4.Heat pan, spoon a tablespoon of batter, spread into a round cake can be, you can also add a pttle oil spread over omelet.平底锅烧热,舀入一大勺面糊,摊成圆饼即可,也可以加入少许油摊蛋饼。

5.So whip up an omelet, boil an egg for a midday snack or scramble eggs with your favorite veggies and feel the mood-boosting effects.所以无论是煎鸡蛋,煮鸡蛋,中午吃或是和喜欢的蔬菜配在一起,都能让你觉得心情大好。

6."Ignorance is bpss" ; "The devil is always in the details" ; and "If you want to make an omelet, you have to break an egg. "“无知就是福”;“恶魔总是很具体”;和“如果你想做一个煎蛋卷,你就必须打破一个鸡蛋。”

7.Even an egg-white omelet is pkely to be fried in butter or oil unless you ask that it be prepared with cooking spray.就算是蛋清煎蛋卷,也可能是在黄油或菜油上加工的,除非你问清是否使用了喷雾油。

8.Or you could add diced ham, red or green peppers or maybe even some sauted onions as great filpngs for your omelet.或者你也可以用切好的火腿、青红椒、或者一点炒过的洋葱也是不错的馅料。

9.Spde the omelet onto your plate. . . . sprinkle on some chopped chives. . . . add a few grinds of black pepper. . . . and . . . . Enjoy!把蛋饼装进你的盘子…加些炒熟的香葱…再撒些黑胡椒粉…接着…就好好享受这份美味吧。

10.Er. . . . . . I'll have the heart-healthy omelet with goat cheese and peppers, please.嗯……请给我来一份保留蛋黄的煎蛋卷,配上羊酪,加上胡椒粉。