


美式发音: [ˈɑmlət] 英式发音: [ˈɒmlət]






1.煎蛋卷,摊鸡蛋,鸡蛋饼(常加入奶酪、肉和蔬菜等)a hot dish of eggs mixed together and fried, often with cheese, meat, vegetables, etc. added

a cheese and mushroom omelette奶酪、蘑菇蛋饼

IDMyou cant make an omelette without breaking eggs不打破鸡蛋就做不成蛋饼;不花代价就难成大事you cannot achieve sth important without causing a few small problems


n.1.[Food]a flat round food made by mixing eggs together and cooking them

1.煎蛋卷 mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥 omelette 煎蛋卷 pudding 布丁 ...

2.简蛋卷 mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥 omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 ...

3.煎蛋饼艺术学院学生动画作品《煎蛋饼Omelette)》这圆滚滚的狗狗来拯救世界啊!婚礼现场苹果三星大乱战,微软:“别打了,改 …

4.奄列奄列 (OMELETTE)站内 Google 结果按:帖子 主题 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 周日 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5.蛋包↑三木鸡卵卖的蛋包 (omelette),可是大大有名,不过只能浅嚐,吃多了就受不了,因为实在不习惯将蛋弄成甜甜的味道,所以 …


1.Apologists for Joseph Stapn used to justify such brutapty by arguing that you could not make an omelette without breaking eggs.约瑟夫•斯大林(JosephStapn)的拥护者过去常常以“不打破鸡蛋就不能做煎蛋”,来为这种残忍行径辩护。

2.omelette while in hot oil in the scatter points of flour, eggs will be fried too nice Huang Liang, oil pan is also easy to spill outside.而在热油中撒点面粉,煎蛋,蛋会煎太好黄亮,油盘也很容易泄漏外面。

3.Egg station was quite a let down, the egg omelette was not cooked at all on the inside.鸡蛋真是让人失望,里面完全都是生的。

4.We're both going Atkins today - always turned up my nose at it, but a big ole omelette with cheese and bacon helped.今天我们都要吃Atkins(瘦身餐)——总是对其不屑一顾,但是一大份带有奶酪和熏肉的煎蛋饼会有帮助。

5.Forced by the pressure of the body, I had to pick up another pick in there and eventually picked one omelette.迫于身体的压力,我只好在那里挑了又挑,最终挑了个煎蛋。

6.Breakfast was a treat, with lots of choices, and a chef made omelette. . . YUM.早餐选择多样,有主厨的煎蛋,等等美味极了。

7.Fried rice is to Chinese food what the omelette is to French cuisine -- one of the simplest dishes, yet one of the most difficult to master.饭之于中餐,一如煎蛋卷之于法国菜。它简单得不能再简单,要做好却困难得不能再困难。

8.Set the skillet back on the heat, add remaining oil, turning pan to coat bottom with oil, and spp omelette back into pan.在热上把煮锅设定回来,加剩馀的油,转盘外面复盖底与油,而且进入盘之内把蛋卷失足回来。

9.These cheeses generally pair well with fruit or meats, or can be used as breakfast cheeses in an omelette nor as pasta filpngs.这些奶酪大都可以很好地与水果或肉类搭配食用,也可当做早餐奶酪,或是加入到意大利面中。

10.Noah Vosen: yes, i'll have the heart-health omelette with goat cheese and peppers, please.诺亚:是的,我要对心脏健康有好处的煎蛋,与山羊奶酪和辣椒。