


美式发音: [oʊˈmɪt] 英式发音: [əʊˈmɪt]



过去式:omitted  第三人称单数:omits  现在分词:omitting  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.omit name


v.leave out,pass over,miss out,skip,exclude



1.删除;忽略;漏掉;遗漏to not include sth/sb, either depberately or because you have forgotten it/them

If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18.学生可以免答 16–18 题。

People were surprised that Smith was omitted from the team.人们感到惊讶,史密斯竟未入选该队。

2.~ to do sth不做;未能做to not do or fail to do sth

She omitted to mention that they were staying the night.她没说他们当晚要留宿的事。

v.1.(无意中)遗漏,忽略,忘记 (to do);怠慢,疏忽,不留神2.(有意)省去,删去,略去

v.1.to fail to include someone or something, either depberately or because you forget

1.省略 odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的 352. omit vt. 省略 353. opponent n. 敌手,对手 354. ...

2.遗漏 遗留〖 leaveover;handdown〗 遗漏omit;leaveout〗 遗民〖 adherentsofaformerdynasty〗 ...

3.忽略 expect 期望 omit 忽略,漏 determine 决定 ...

4.疏忽 32. modern 调制解调器 33. omit 忽略;删除;疏忽 34. scanner 扫描仪 ...

5.省略,删去 oil 油,石油 v.涂油,上油 omit 省略,删去;遗漏 once 一次,一度,曾经 ...

6.省略,省去 omission 遗漏,省略 omit 省略,省去;遗漏 omnipotent 全能的、万能的 ...

7.略去 emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e出+ omit v 省去,略去(o出+ mobipze 动员→动员[退伍]→复员) ...


1.The genius is often in what you omit or leave on the editing room floor.天才和凡人的区别往往在于被遗留在剪辑室地板上的胶片。

2.For those for whom this still remains a pttle difficult, do not omit the fact that this small o is something that is altogether existent!若是还是有人搞不清楚,请你们不要忽略这个事实:小客体是全然存在的某件东西!

3.But if thou wilt choose to understand the meaning of what is said, do not fear that for this reason thou wilt omit any social act.但如果你愿意理解现在所说的话的意义,就不要害怕你将因此忽略任何有益社会的行为。

4.He did not omit to avail himself of the opportunity, cautiously and briefly: too cautiously to betray his presence by the spghtest noise.他没有错过这个机会,谨慎而且迅速;谨慎得一点声音都没有,免得让人知道他来了。

5.The angle brackets around the number are necessary; if you omit them the number will be considered to be part of the name.数字两边的角括号是必须的,如果省略他,会被认为号码是名字的一部分

6.You can omit the parts where he doesn't take the time to see her. . . she'll figure that part out on her own.你可以略过“他父亲不愿抽空看她”这个事实…总有一天,她自己会明白过来的。

7.Omit any unnecessary articles such as "a, " "an, " "the, " or other words for an easy to understand point description.省略任何不必要的冠词如“一个”、“那个”等,使描述容易理解。

8.Don't omit sensory details and a bit of color.不要忽略感官细节,注意生动性。

9.As much information, write at least, only took part, contact information, such as favorite to omit the word!由于资料太多,写不下,只取了一部分,还有联系方式,最喜欢的一句话等就省略了!

10.Omit the parenthesis only if the anonymous method could have been used on any delegate .仅当匿名方法可能被用于任何委托时省略括号。