




1.在农场 feed the animals 喂动物 1 7. on the farm 在农场 1 8. write original songs 写原创歌曲 1 9. ...

2.在农场上 hear from sb. 收到某人的信,电子邮件等 on the farm, 在农场上 in th past + 一段时间 ...

3.在农场里 Transportation 交通工具 On the farm 在农场里 In the country 在乡村里 ...

4.可爱农场 ... The Rhyming Rabbit 押韵兔 Funny Faces:On the Farm 面具趣:可爱农场 Yo Yes 哈罗!嗨!(如何交 …

5.农场动物 ... 2.Under The Sea 海中生物 3.On The Farm 农场动物 4.Feathered Friends 有羽毛的朋 …

6.艾摩在农场  艾摩在农场(On the farm)点击图片进入下一页>> 上一页12345678 提示:键盘也能翻页,试试“← →”键 到布书专区,了解更详 …


1.But one day Hector looked out on the farm beyond the hen yard. It bothered him to see the pigs and cows without a leader.有一天,Hector站在鸡舍里往农场其他的地方望去,竟然看到猪和牛散漫地呆着,没有谁去管理,这让他很烦恼。

2.You know, when the solar panels are producing more electricity than we are using here, on the farm, we send it out on the net.是这样的,当太阳能电板的发电量多于我们农场所需时,我们通过电网将它往外发送。

3.And then he said, "Thank you for yelpng at the kids for stepping on the corn so I could focus on just having fun on the farm with them. "然后他说,“谢谢你阻止那些孩子走在玉米上,这样我可以专心在农场和他们玩耍。”

4.There was now no reason for him to stay on the farm, and he resolved to get away as soon as he could.他再也没有理由呆在农场了,随即人决定尽快远走他乡。

5.I figure I can help you out on the farm, and I'll pay you for room and board as soon as I get my dad is insurance money. . .我认为我可以帮农场的忙,当我拿到父亲的保险金后,我会付房租和饭钱…

6.She weeps as she explains her need to support her parents because she cannot bear to see them work so hard on the farm at home.她一边抽泣着,一边解释自己需要资助父母,因为不忍看到他们如此辛苦地在家乡田间劳作。

7."I wish to be a director of a farm, so the others on the farm must obey me! " Sara said, with her head held high.萨拉高高地昂起头说:“长大后我一定要成为农场的女管事,我要让农场里的人都听我的!”

8.Back on the farm, I daydreamed about that dining hall chow and money in my pocket, and I felt compelled to check it out myself.回到农场以后,我做梦都想那里的餐厅和我口袋里的钱。

9.No one suspected that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen.没有一个人猜疑农场里可能还有一个从未露面的人。

10.People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on the farm.人们都同情她,因为她嫁了个有钱人,可是她爱的是农场的一个工人。