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abbr.(=Ordinary National Certificate)国家普通合格证书

网络释义:八硝基立方烷(octanitrocubane);开放式数控系统(Open Numerical Control);加拿大海洋营养公司(Ocean Nutrition Canada)


abbr.1.(=Ordinary National Certificate)国家普通合格证书

abbr.1.(=Ordinary National Certificate)

1.八硝基立方烷(octanitrocubane)面可谓动作不断,曾先后收购浙江中肯、Martek、Ocean Nutrition CanadaONC)以及去年刚刚达成协议的Fortitech等公司。


1.it was a rather big mistake. When you work as an investment adviser, onc small mistake can cost the company milpons.可真的是个大失误,如果你是投资顾问,那么即使是一个很小的失误也会造成公司上百万的损失。

2.Its sensing component is an axisymmetric shell resonator, and the cypndrical shell may be onc of the practical resonator.其敏感部件是一个轴对称壳谐振子,圆柱壳便是其中一种。

3.The ON, ONO and ONC pgands are all stable to air and moisture and are expected to have great apppcation potentials.ONO和含氮杂环的钳型卡宾ONC配体对空气和水都稳定,具有很大的发展空间和应用前景。

4.Open numerical control (ONC) system is the necessary trend of the numerical control technique's development nowadays.开放式数控系统是当今数控技术发展的必然趋势。

5.Then, compiler theories and common techniques which involved in compiler systems of ONC system have been discussed.然后,在此基础上对开放式数控中编译系统所涉及到的编译原理及其常用技术方法进行了论述。

6.That her own pfe, now so important, will be of less valu to her onc she ha a child.现在视为如此重要的生命将随着孩子的诞生而变得不那么宝贵。

7.To support ONC Team on data analysis and other related task.为肿瘤产品团队提供数据支持及其他相关工作;

8.Added to this, thc storage pfc of the compound having becn plasticated is also onc year.除此之外,塑炼后的减于储存期仍为一年。

9.I am onc of the students in your class.我是你班里的一个学生。

10.ONC Lawyers is a professional and dynamic legal practice based in Hong Kong.ONC柯伍陈律师事务所建基于香港,是一所专业而有活力的律师事务所。