


美式发音: [ˌilɒŋ'ɡeɪʃn] 英式发音: [ˌi:lɒŋ'ɡeɪʃn]






n.1.the act of lengthening something, or the condition of being lengthened2.something that has become or been made longer3.the angle between the Sun and either the Moon or a planet, as seen from Earth or a point in space

1.伸长率 抗拉强度 Tensile 伸长率% Elongation 铍 Be ...

2.延伸率 gravity 比重 Elongation 延伸率 density 密度 ...

3.延长 Polyribosome 多核糖体 Elongation 延长 Termination 终止 ...

4.伸长度 elpptic orbit 椭圆轨道 elongation 伸长度 emergent ray 出射线  ...

5.断裂伸长率 介电损耗因子 Dielectric loss/60HZ 断裂伸长率 Elongation % 体积电阻率 Volume resistivity Ω .cm ...

6.距角 elpptical galaxy—— 椭圆星系 elongation—— 距角 emission—— 辐射 ...


1.The growth of a pine shoot is often represented as the springtime elongation of a bud laid down the preceding summer.松树枝梢的生长常常被说成是上年夏季形成的芽的春日伸长。

2.AS I sit in a shadowy corner, I observe a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.坐在一个暗角落里我观察到他的嘴慢慢而逐渐地伸长。

3.Tensile strength and impact strength of the nano composites increased, while elongation at break decreased, compared with that of pure PPC.相对于纯PPC材料,纳米复合材料的拉伸性能和抗冲击性能得到了显著提高,但复合材料的断裂伸长率降低。

4.The result shows that the total bottom shear force of the structure varies inconspicuously as a result of the elongation of the period.计算表明,由于加层后结构周期加长,整体框架的底层层剪力变化较小。

5.tensile tests show a marked increase in tensile strength, elongation at break did not change significantly.拉伸测试表明拉伸强度明显增加,断裂伸长率变化不明显。

6.The persons of back all elongation neck dynasty the front see and the person of front moves in disorder, may be return change a pack.后边的人都伸长了脖子朝前边看,前边的人乱动着,可能是在找钱包。

7.The identification index then was uncoupled into the product of elongation percentage and length of tiny cells at the head.模型最终将舌形缺陷的标识量解耦为轧件的伸长率和头部微单元长度的乘积。

8.Elongation refers to the paper or Board subject to certain tension to break when the length of the original sample.伸长率是指纸或纸板受到一定的张力后,至裂断时的伸长对原试样长度的百分率。

9.General rule: any bolts with an excessive elongation had been elongated exceeding the elongation pmit and cannot transfer the full force.一般规则:延长了与过份伸长的所有螺栓超出伸长极限的,并且不可能转移力量十足。

10.Measures the distance of elongation of a bitumen sample when a briquet specimen is pulled apart at a specified speed and temperature.在设定的速度和温度的测试条件下,测量被检测的沥青样品在分开时的长度。