




1.一支烟 ... a carton of cigarette 一条烟 one cigarette 一支烟 a box of cigarette 一盒烟, ...

2.一枝烟 ... -Berwick:Half hour. One week. 每周半小时 One cigarette 一枝烟 ...


1.Nevertheless, 27 per cent of school pupils had tried smoking and 5 per cent smoked at least one cigarette a week, girls more than boys.然而,27%的未成年人曾尝试吸烟,5%吸了超过一根香烟,女孩要比男孩多。

2.When you want just one cigarette (which leads to two . . . ). When you just don't see the point of all this suffering.这个时候你会想就来那么一根吧(接下来就是两根……),你想不通为什么要承受戒烟所经历的痛苦。

3.The old man frowned with a smile, said, he merely took one cigarette a day.老人皱眉笑说浪费他每天只抽这麽一根。

4.It doesn't matter if you are walking into a cocktail party where other people are smoking or if you smoke one cigarette a week.不管你是去了一个有人抽烟的鸡尾酒会,还是你一周抽了一根烟,都不是问题的关键。

5.His wife was sent into the operation room, he walked to and fro in the corridor, smoking one cigarette.他妻子被推进了手术室,他在外面来回走动,一支接一支的抽烟,当看到门打开时,他心里一阵紧张。

6.Even one cigarette slows down the cipa that work to sweep up the dirt and germs, and heavy smoking destroys them completely.只消一根卷烟便可减缓将尘埃与细菌清扫出去的纤毛的作用,而过量抽烟则会将它们破坏殆尽。

7.But the number of students who said they had smoked at least one cigarette in the past month was stable.疾病管制局报告指出,学生承认在上个月有抽过菸者数量是很稳定的。

8.Sorry. We've cut the monkeys down to one cigarette a day. So things are a pttle intense!不好意思。我们给猴子的香烟每天已经减到一根了。所以现在情况有点紧张!

9.Inside, he takes one cigarette out of a pack and sits down to smoke it.在柜里,他拿出了一根香烟,坐下抽起烟来。

10.LONDON -- Trying just one cigarette may not be so harmless for non-smokers after all.抽一支烟可能对所有非吸烟者不会都是无害的。