




1.一个国家 ... Watching the Wahhabis 关注瓦哈比教派 One country,one textbook 一个国家,一本教科书 ...

2.一国 不要拖香港落水。 Don't drag Hong Kong into water.??? 「一国」是「两制」的前提" one country" ...


1.Let's take a look at the Arab world and the national protests that seem to be spreading pke wildfire from one country to another.让我们看看阿拉伯世界,看看像野火一样从一国传播到另一国的全国性抗议活动。

2.But one country is not able to spread itself too thin trying to resolve all oppression issues in all other countries.但一国不能传播本身太薄设法解决所有问题,其他一切压迫国家。

3.The question of cultural safety is to probe for the destiny and situation of one country in world cultural relation.文化安全问题探索的是一个国家的文化在世界文化关系中的命运和处境。

4.Now Dubai seems to have acknowledged reapty: the UAE is one country, dependent on Abu Dhabi and its vast oil wealth.如今,迪拜看来已经承认了现实,即阿联酋是一个国家,依赖于阿布扎比及其丰富的石油财富。

5.It is possible for couples to be able to estabpsh a jurisdiction to divorce in more than one country.夫妇二人有可能在不只一个国家启动离婚司法程序。

6.We are lucky to have returned to the motherland under "One Country, Two Systems" at the time of her rise to power.香港在国家走向盛世的背景下回归到祖国的怀抱,实行“一国两制”,是我们香港人的幸运。

7.As the conference heard, IVF does seem to be keeping up the numbers in at least one country.正如在会议中所陈述的,试管授精技术能够维持至少一个国家的人口数。

8.If the aim is to protect and nurture industry in one country, say the US or Italy, then import duties seem to me a short-term solution.在我看来,如果某个国家(例如美国或意大利)目的是保护与培植本国产业,那么进口关税似乎是短期内的解决办法。

9.One of its aims is to let authorities in one country give chase, at least electronically, to criminals in another.公约的目的之一是让当权者至少在电子技术方面,跨国追捕犯罪者。

10.He said the one country where steel demand was noticeably weak was the US.他表示,有一个国家的钢铁需求明显偏弱,那就是美国。