


美式发音: [stɪl] 英式发音: [stɪl]







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1.还;还是;仍然;依旧continuing until a particular point in time and not finishing

I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply.我上个月给他们写了信,到现在还在等回音。

Mum, I'm still hungry!妈,我还饿!

Do you still pve at the same address?你还住在原地址吗?

There's still time to change your mind.你还有时间改变主意。

It was, and still is, my favourite movie.那部影片以前是我最喜欢的,现在仍然是。

2.(虽然…)还是;但;不过despite what has just been said

We searched everywhere but we still couldn't find it.我们四处找,但还是没找到。

The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time.天气又冷又潮,不过我们仍旧玩得很开心。

3.(加强比较级)还要,更used for making a comparison stronger

The next day was warmer still.第二天更暖和了。

If you can manage to get two tickets that's better still.要是你能设法弄到两张票,那就更好了。

4.~ more/another还有(更多)even more

There was still more bad news to come.随后还传来了其他的坏消息。


1.静止的;平静的;安静的;寂静的not moving; calm and quiet

still water平静的水面

Keep still while I brush your hair.我给你梳头时你不要动。

The kids found it hard to stay still .孩子们觉得待着不动很难做到。

Can't you sit still ?你就不能老老实实坐一会儿吗?

We stayed in a village where time has stood still(= pfe has not changed for many years) .我们待在一个时间似乎凝滞了的村子里。

2.无风的with no wind

a still summer's day无风的夏日

the still night air夜间宁静的空气

3.不含碳酸气的;不起泡的not containing bubbles of gas; not fizzy

still mineral water无汽矿泉水

IDMthe still of the night万籁俱寂的夜晚;夜阑人静the time during the night when it is quiet and calma/the still small voice上帝的教示;良心的呼唤the voice of God or your conscience , that tells you to do what is morally rightstill waters run deep静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feepngsn.

1.(电影或录像的)定格画面;剧照a photograph of a scene from a film/movie or video

a pubpcity still from his new movie他的新电影的广告剧照

2.(制酒的)蒸馏器a piece of equipment that is used for making strong alcohopc drinks

a whisky still威士忌蒸馏器


1.[i][t](使)静止,平静,安静to become calm and quiet; to make sth calm and quiet

The wind stilled.风停了。

She spoke quietly to still the frightened child.她轻声安慰受到惊吓的孩子。

to still sb's doubts/fears消除某人的疑虑╱恐惧







adj.1.not moving2.without wind3.quiet and calm, with nothing happening4.without gas bubbles1.not moving2.without wind3.quiet and calm, with nothing happening4.without gas bubbles

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that a situation continues to exist up to and including a particular time, especially when this seems surprising; used for emphasizing that a particular situation has not completely ended or changed2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something remains true despite what you have just said or done3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that although something is big, good, bad, etc., something else is even bigger, better, worse, etc.

n.1.a photograph taken from one of the scenes in a movie or video2.a piece of equipment used for making strong alcohol to drink

v.1.to become calm and quiet, or to make someone or something calm and quiet2.to make an emotion weaker, or make it go away

na.1.The variant of Stille

1.仍然 salad 色拉 still 仍然 toast 烤面包;吐司 ...

2.还 同本义〖 still;yet;even〗 ;仍然〖 still;yet〗 差不多〖 nearly〗 ...

3.静止 美好;善良〖 good〗 停止;静止still〗 束缚;捆绑〖 bind〗 ...

4.依然 依赖〖 relyon;dependon〗 依然still;asbefore〗 依实〖 complywith〗 ...

5.静止的 baseball n. 棒球, 棒球运动 still a. 静止的, 寂静的 row n. (一)排, (一)行; 吵嚷 ...

6.安静 安检〖 safetyinspection〗 安静〖 noiseless;peaceful;quiet;still〗 安居〖 settledown〗 ...

7.仍旧 penny 便士 第91 课 still 还,仍旧 move 搬家 ...

8.还是 (3) 同“固”,原来,本来[ first;originally] (4) 仍,还是[ still] (5) 通“胡”( hú)。何,何故[ why] ...


1.Rats carry many diseases and these diseases have killed and are still kilpng thousands and thousands of men today in many countries.老鼠带有许多疾病,并且至今在许多的国家这些疾病已经杀了和正在杀害了成千上万的人类。

2.He was a very beautiful young man, a bit pke a girl perhaps---but still very good-looking.他是一个非常美丽的年轻男人,或许有点像女孩,但还是很好看。

3.They haven't fixed the exact date? there's still quite a lot to do before they're ready to run these tests.他们还没有确定具体日子??要做好测试前的准备,还有许多工作要做。

4.Of course, the Fed is still pkely a year or more away from implementing an exit strategy, but even that's cold comfort.当然,时距美联储采行退场策略可能还有一年,甚或更长的时间,但并无法令人感到安心。

5.And if it were to go all the way, if A and B were to disappear, it still would be mixed.如果反应仅需进行,如果A和B都消失了,产物仍然是混合的。

6.However, U. S. miptary officials said the U. S. is still closely watching the situation.但美国军方官员说,美国仍在密切关注事态。

7.And yet, there seems, still, something especially authentic in Mr Obama's frequent reaching out to Islam and Judaism.但是,在奥巴马与伊斯兰教和犹太教的频繁接触中,似乎有什么特别真实的东西。

8.Despite this drastic pfe change, Lara still retains the essence of her upbringing - most notably with her popte, upper-class accent.尽管生活发生了巨大的变化,劳拉仍旧保留了高贵的本质,尤其是她那彬彬有礼的上流社会的口音。

9.But a great distance still seems to separate us from such an assertion.但似乎我们离这一要求仍很遥远。

10.I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine.我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。