




1.观察所 one way or the other 千方百计 oned 神志不清 out and about 户外活动 ...

3.迷你 幻影 Phantom 迷你 OneD 宝马325 ia ...

4.看承一种波后现代物理学的波粒二相说告诉我们,一个电子既能被看成一个微粒,又能被看承一种波Oned),这两个概念在常识中或许 …


6.地理坐标系2.1.2 地理坐标系(ONED)14


1.HELEN: Ah. . . I'm afraid I won't maintain the office on Monday. . . oned I think Gregg has meetings everyone day.海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时间我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。

2.NICK: That's right. Good. . . well. . . I'll do that oned I look forward to seeing you next week.尼克:没错。好,嗯,用电脑免费打电话。我会的,我守候着下礼拜和你们见面。

3.Take the wrong train oned take stuck in somewhere. . .搭错火车。。。陷在某个场地。

4.I'm driving collectively a country roadvertising oned I'm completely lost.我开车顺着一条乡下小路前行,我一经全体迷路了。

5.Divergent series are on the whole devil's work, and it is a shame th at oned ares to found any proof on them.发散级数纯粹是魔鬼的工作,胆敢去找到任何证明它们的行为都是羞耻的。

6.mary was playing a joke oned, buted caught on.玛丽对艾得开玩笑。可是艾得听懂了。

7.Charles was alone at home, with looking after him. A. someoneB. anyone C. not oneD. no one查尔斯独自一人在家,没有人照顾他。

8.Do not delay may develops laugusthter oned joy to your pfe;不要迟误任何可能给你的生活带来欢笑与快乐的事情;

9.Do not delay may brings laugusthter oned joy to your pfe;不要贻误任何能够给你的生活带来欢笑与欢跃的事情;