


美式发音: [ˈpræktɪkəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['præktɪkəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.practicable method





1.可行的;行得通的able to be done; pkely to be successful

at the earpest practicable opportunity在尽可能早的时机

as soon as (is) practicable尽快

The only practicable alternative is to postpone the meeting.另外唯一可行的办法就是推迟会期。

Employers should provide a safe working environment, as far as is reasonably practicable.只要条件许可,雇主就须提供安全的工作环境。


adj.1.able to be done or used successfully

1.可行的 noted 著名的(指人) practicable 可行的, 通行的 regrettable 遗憾的 (指事) ...

2.行得通的 pour 灌,注 practicable 行得通的 preferable 更好的,更可取的 ...

3.适用的 postulate vt. 要求,假定,假设 practicable a. 能实行的;适用的 prayer n. 祈祷,祈求 ...

4.可实行的 ... poverty n. 贫困,贫穷 practicable a. 可实行的,能用的,可行的 practical a. 实行的;注重实际的,实用的 ...

5.切实可行 bituminous 沥青的,含沥青的 practicable 可实行的,可用的 acquaint 使熟知, 通知 ...

7.实用 实意〖 sincere〗 实用practicable〗 实在〖 indeed〗 ...


1.For years, personal experience and expert advice have been widely used in managing risk and have proved to be very useful and practicable.多年来在风险管理中,个人的经验和专家的建议已经得到广泛应用并证明是十分有效可行的。

2.To tell you the truth, your plan is very attractive, but it doesn't seem to be practicable.说实话你的计划很吸引人,不过似乎行不通。

3.Definite signs of cracking German morale would have to appear before it would be practicable to attempt such a enterprise.在攻势实际开始之前,必须予德军士气以严重的打击。

4.shall be calculated on the amount of subsidy as close as practicable to the point of first sale of the basic agricultural product concerned.支持等值的计算应尽可能根据接近有关基本农产品的第一销售点的补贴的数量。

5.This device has the features of easy to operate, low cost and small error. Measurements show that the device is stable and practicable.该装置具有使用方便、成本低、误差小等特点,经实际测量验证,工作稳定可靠,具有较好的实用价值。

6.However, the load transfer mechanism of this pile is still not perfect, so far, there isn't practicable and unified method.但是,对这类桩的荷载传递机理研究还不够完善,至今仍没有符合实际的统一计算方法。

7.Hodgkinson says U. S. popcy is not to detain a juvenile for more than a year whenever practicable.哈吉金森表示,美国的政策是,只要可能,不会将一名青少年拘押超过一年以上。

8.as soon as practicable after the expiration of that period , comply or fully comply , as the case may be , with that subsection.须在该期间届满后,在切实可行的范围内尽快遵守或尽快完全遵守(视属何情况而定)该款。

9.The calculation results show that this method is practicable, and the calculated distribution of the oil saturation is dependable.实际处理结果表明该方法可行,获得的含油饱和度分布结果可靠。

10.The cassion shipping result shows that this method is practicable and has referential value for the similar cassion shipping.沉箱出运结果表明,这种方法是切实可行的,对类似工程沉箱出运具有参考价值。