




1.一页 及争取支持 重要数字及行动予以列出 只要一页(one page) 人才培养宝典 2 为什么要提出此一培训计划 环境分析(市场与竞 …

2.一页纸 内页 Inside Page 单页 One Page 资料广告 Materials ...

4.单页型 ... 232 Tiny 迷你型 234 One Page 单页型 238 Massive Footers 大型页尾 ...

5.一个页面 (ONE PAGE,ONE TEMPLATE: 一个页面,一个模板),便于修改和二次 …

6.一个一页式ition),起初两个晚自习(约6小时)时间才能啃下一页(one page),遇到难点的地方,有时需三个晚自习时间才可看完一页!看着那厚 …


1.After reading just one page of an article about JBoss Seam (see Resources), I knew that Seam was the project for which I had been searching.刚刚阅读到关于JBossSeam的文章(见参考资料)的第一页,我就知道Seam正是我要找的项目。

2.The apppcation letter should be brief no more than one page in length It should be easy to read and include only the necessary information.求职申请应该简洁明了,长度不超过一页,求职申请信还应该清晰易读,只需把必不可少的信息写上即可。

3.The only thing I found? A one-page outpne for an intended screenplay she never began.可是我唯一找到的东西,是一份打算写却还没动笔的一页纸的电影大纲。

4.Decide whether you feel you need an extensive contract to enter into work, or whether just a one-page Letter of Agreement will work for you.当你觉得需要时,做出决定:是用一个统一的合同来签订工作,还是仅仅用一页纸的协议书来工作。

5.It's tiring enough to hear the 358-page of the multi-touch patent, I can't imagine how boring it is to discuss one page after another.要弄明白长达358页的多点触控专利太累人了,可以想象一页接着一页讨论有多枯燥。

6.A CV for a new graduate might be one page, whereas those at the top of their profession might require dozens of pages.一个刚毕业的学生可能写一页纸,而那些行业精英们可能需要一打纸。

7.Include at least one page of every different type of page you may need.包含至少一页您可能需要的各种不同类型的页面。

8.Please tell me how much it would cost to take one page of your newspaper for the ads and how should I proceed?在此我想请问你,如果我们需要在你们报纸购买一个版面,用来刊登相关的报道,费用是多少?应如何办理?

9.OmniFind allows you to obtain your results one page at a time. The page size is defined by you.OmniFind允许您一次得到一页结果,您可以定义一页包含多少结果。

10.We read one page of a book, and upon reading the next page its events appear to us as following the last one.我们读书,下一页上的故事随着上一页而自然地呈现在我们面前。