




1.粘贴 标签 Label 粘贴 sticked 好 well ...

2.在排字盘中排字 stick proof 手托拼版打样 * sticked 在排字盘中排字 * sticker 胶纸 * ...

3.戳损 ... 英镑区 sterpng area 戳损 sticked 加火 stoking ...

4.扎破 sticked one another 互相粘住 sticked 扎破 sticking of contacts 烧结触点 ...


1.She tried to talk him into changing his mind, but he refused and sticked to his plan.她试图说服他改变主意但是他拒绝那样做并坚持他的计划。

2.There were 96 blood clots sticked to the front and rear wall of the internal jugular vein or on the valves.血栓位于静脉内的前壁、后壁、静脉瓣处,共有96处血栓。

3.Secondly, the newly extended loan shall be strictly sticked to the terms of loan and be confined to the production and construction.二是新发生人民币贷款,必须坚持贷款条件,真正用于生产经营和建设。

4."Never give up! " I warned myself. Finally I sticked it out.我差点就要放弃了,最终我坚持下来了,直到新学期开学。

5.No agreements have been reached between the countries during the talks as both sticked to their stances.由于任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场,此次会谈中两个国家没有达成任何协议。

6.If this option is checked, the toolbar, input and lookup table windows will be sticked to its original position.如果勾取这个选项,则输入和选词列表视窗将停留在它们的原本位置。

7.The scared mother became flustered and she tried to take her daughter's clothes off, but the clothes was sticked to flesh.吓坏了的母亲手忙脚乱给她剥衣服,但是衣服粘着皮肉,怎么也剥不下来。

8.Please note : Wood-pke bpnd is not with real wood surface, bpnd slat surface is synthetic material sticked on.请留意:木纹百叶帘,帘片表面并非真木纹,而是人造质料贴于表面。

9.After that, they sticked the small cards which carried their prayers for the future to the Adulthood Ceremony Memorial Wall.随后,他们又纷纷将写有自己对未来祈愿的小卡片贴到成人礼纪念墙上。

10.Finally I sticked it out. I finished the job before the new semester began.最后,在新学期开始之前,我完成了这项工作。