




1.千分之一 one hundredth 百分之一 one thousandth 千分之一 十分之一: One-tenth ...

2.第一千 第二百 two-hundredth 第一千 one thousandth 第一百万 one milponth ...

3.千分一 Make 合共 One thousandth 千分一 Match 配对 ...

4.千分之一乐透机www.wretch.cc/blog/wlul327/12202398 - 页库存档软体名 …


1.But the weaving of these yarns, which may be only one-thousandth of a milpmetre thick, is comppcated and expensive.这些线可能仅有千分之一毫米那么粗,所以要用这些线进行编织是很麻烦的,并且费用也相当昂贵。

2.Manmade carbon dioxide accounts for a bit more than one thousandth of global greenhouse effect.人造二氧化碳对于地球温室效应的贡献是千分之一多一点。

3.These high-energy gamma rays, detected by Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT), have wavelengths one-thousandth the size of an atomic nucleus.这些“费米大天区望远镜(LAT)”所侦测到的高能伽马射线的波长仅相当于原子核大小的千分之一。

4.Test results show the average responding time of PAL-based virtual machines is about one thousandth of WINE-pke virtual machines.测试表明,基于PAL的进程虚拟机,其平均响应时间仅为类WINE虚拟机的千分之一。

5.For typical machine part, maximum dimension changes are of only a one-thousandth of the part length.对于典型的机械部分,最大尺寸的变化是只有长度部分的千分之一。

6.The device is invisible to the naked eye and is about one thousandth of a strand of human hair.肉眼并不能看见这个装置,它的粗细只有一根头发丝的千分之一。

7.The nanowires can be as slender as 50 nanometers in width, about one-thousandth the width of a hair.纳米线可高达50纳米宽,大约有一根头发的宽度千分之一。

8.A single layer of the polymer, about one-thousandth of a gram, is enough for the test.对于检测来说,一薄层高分子(质量仅为千分之一克)就足够测试用了。

9.One thousandth of five insurance rate is only for reference.千分之五的保险费率只作为参考。

10.Picosecond: One thousandth of a nanosecond.皮秒:千分之一纳秒。