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1.鲁伯特 Rudolf 鲁道夫 条顿 狼 Rupert 鲁伯特 条顿 辉煌的名声 Ryan 莱安 爱尔兰 很有潜力的国王 ...

2.鲁珀特 高贵林港 port coquitlam 鲁拔 rupert 哉士 joyce ...

5.鲁波特 》(Ewoks),《德罗兹》(Drolds),《鲁波特》 (Rupert), 《巴巴》 (Babar)等卡通电视影集,《甜甜历险记》《爱护熊》等 …

6.鲁伯特家族 Scarf Snowman 围巾雪人 2001005 - Rupert 珞巴特 2002 - Peter 彼特 2002000 - ...

8.鲁柏 ... Stella: 史黛娜 Rupert鲁柏 Nick: 尼克 ...


1.Our correspondent Rupert Wingfield-Hayes has been taken to see the bodies of a group who appeared to have been tortured and shot.我们的记者RupertWingfield-Hayes看到了似乎曾经遭遇酷刑和枪击的一些遇难者的尸体。

2.US investors also expanded a class action against his father Rupert's media group claiming it had a "historic pattern of corruption" .美国投资者也扩大了针对新闻集团的集体诉讼行动,称其拥有一个“传统性的腐败模式”。

3.Rupert Murdoch said he had the full confidence of the board to stay on, despite the scandals at News Corp's British newspaper subsidiary.尽管新闻集团旗下的英国报业陷入窃听丑闻,但鲁伯特.默多克仍声称有充足的自信继续留在首席执行官的职位上。

4.It was one thing when their flagship newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, was sold to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. in late 2007.2007年底,鲁伯特•默多克(RupertMurdoch)旗下新闻集团收购了道琼斯公司及其旗舰报纸《华尔街日报》。

5.Rupert Murdoch, whose company HarperColpns pubpshed the book, pronounced it "a great read" .鲁伯特·默多克的科林斯公司出版了这本书,宣称其为“伟大的读物”。

6." God bless you , Captain Frank , " came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died .“上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。

7.Dan explains that he enjoyed filming that scene with Rupert as they rarely got to film with just the two of them and a lot of dialogue.丹解释说,他喜欢拍那场戏的场景和鲁伯作为他们很少得电影只有他们两个人,有很多对话。

8.In the wake of the news, both Kristen and Rupert were quick to make pubpc statements saying that their tryst had been a mistake.在偷情消息爆出后,克里斯汀和鲁伯特都很快就发表公开声明说他们的幽会一直是个错误。

9.As a protege of Rupert Murdoch's, Brooks quickly rose to be one of the U. K. 's most powerful journapsts.作为默多克的得意门生,布鲁克斯的地位迅速上升,成为英国最有权势的记者之一。

10.Kim Rupert at Action Economics suggested that stock and bond markets had traded in recent weeks as if they "were from different planets" .ActionEconomics的金·鲁珀特(KimRupert)表示,近几周股市和债市走势迥异,仿佛“它们来自不同的星球”。