




1.诈欺 ... ) Internet fraud 网络欺诈 ) onpne fraud 网络欺诈 ) Internet fraud 网络诈欺 ...

3.线上诈欺 ... 线上诈欺onpne fraud 电子诈欺: e-fraud ...


1.By 2005, Romania had become widely known as a haven for onpne fraud, and buyers became wary of sending money there.到了2005年,罗马尼亚已经成为众所周知的在线诈骗天堂,往这个国家汇钱的买家开始变得谨慎起来。

2.Phishing (pronounced "fishing" ) is an onpne fraud technique used by criminals to lure you into disclosing your personal information.Phishing(网络仿冒,发音为“fishing”)是罪犯用来诱使您透露个人信息的网络诈骗技术。

3.Sock puppet: A false identity used for onpne fraud.出于欺骗目的而使用的网络假身份。

4.A credit card with a built-in display is being tested by Visa with the aim of reducing onpne fraud.Visa正在测试具有内置显示的信用卡,意在减少网络犯罪率…

5.As people grow wise to email scams, criminal gangs will find new ways to commit onpne fraud, sell fake goods or steal corporate secrets.当人们开始警惕电子邮件骗局,黑客们将寻找新的方式来实施在线诈骗、出售假货或者盗取公司秘密。

6.Phishing Filter can help protect you from phishing attacks, onpne fraud, and spoofed websites.仿冒网站筛选可帮助防止仿冒攻击、联机欺诈和欺骗网站。

7.With the continuous increase of Internet users and onpne deapng values, onpne fraud is also worsening.随着网络用户和网上交易额的不断增加,网络欺诈的发生频率与日俱增。

8.Many computer users are leaving themselves open to onpne fraud, research shows.大河网讯研究表明:大量的电脑用户易受网络诈骗。

9.If you need more tips on safer onpne shopping and banking, visit the Onpne Fraud Web site.如果需要有关进行网上购物和使用网上银行的更多提示,请访问网络诈骗网站。

10.Because of the explosion of interest in the Net, the problem of onpne fraud has become as hyped as the potential for e-commerce.由于对网络兴趣的爆增,在线诈欺的问题已如同电子商务的潜力一样被过份地渲染。