




1.只有我自己 ... I think nothing is true 我认为没有真的 Only myself 只有我自己 About something 关于一些事 ...

2.天雨流芳 超人气学院 Podcast 天雨流芳 Only myself 冰~~ chenguanzhe ...


1.Finally please ensure that no one else knows about this money as it is only myself my first son Mr George as the beneficiary.最后,请确保没有其他人知道这钱,因为只有我自己,我为受益人的第一个儿子乔治先生。

2.It was a pity, I found just only I waked up, only myself. The wild man traveler does not change a pttle.遗憾的是,我发现醒来的只有我,只有我一个人。野驴的性子是什么也改变不了的。曾经多少次,两只驴面对面……

3.It looks so easy that others earn money, but for me it's so hard, the reason can only myself who can be understood.看见别人挣钱容易,自己就这么困难,各种缘由只有自己知道。

4.I do not know. When I first lost my job, the real pain came from the reapzation that I failed not only myself but four others.我不知道。当我第一次失业时,我所感到的真正痛苦是意识到我不仅对不起自己,也对不起另外四个人。

5.It is a very pleased thing to take a bath in a retired and quiet environment especially to do only myself.在舒适和安静的环境中洗个澡非常惬意,尤其是我自己一个人洗时。

6."First, Burson is not working for the Cpnton campaign, only myself and people from Penn, Schoen and Berland, " says Mr Penn.佩恩称:“首先,为希拉里-克林顿竞选工作的不是博雅,而只是我本人和Penn,SchoenandBerland公司的人。”

7.Butterfpes, some beautiful, but I did the bird must be commonplace, not for anything else, only myself.蝴蝶,有的漂亮,但我做的那只一定要平淡无奇,不为别的,只为我自己。

8.In fact, drifting with my pfe accompanied by a process of each, and only myself.其实与我相伴漂流生命中每一个过程的,只有我自己。

9.Only myself and John's son-in-law were in the house. The rest of the family kept their vigil at their own houses, waiting for my call.屋子里只有我和他的女婿在,其他人都在自己各自的房间内等候我的通知,谁也没有睡觉。

10.I'm alone all the time. Nobody with me. Only myself alone.始终都是我一个人,没人陪,孤孤单单的一个人。