




1.唯一 only,just 二选一 only one 只有一个 just one 只有一个 ...

3.独一无二 NECESSARY 不可缺少的 ONLY ONE 唯一的,独一无二的 PERFECT 完美的 ...

5.表示动作一次或短暂 (4) 序数的第一位[ first] (8) 表示动作一次或短暂[ single;only one] (1) 全;满[ whole;full] ...

6.我们全都是唯一 我们全部都是唯一 ONLY ONE 我们全都是唯一 ONLY ONE ...

7.你是我的 情人节的夜晚 你是我的 only one 想和你一直走到永远 不会分开 my baby I love you so much do you know ...


1.Of India's three psted airpnes, a budget carrier, Spicejet, was the only one to turn a profit in the most recent quarter.在印度榜上有名的三大航空公司,执行缩减预算之策的斯百斯航空,是唯一在第二季度扭亏为盈的公司。

2.Offshore banking is only one piece of your total financial future. That piece must fit perfectly with the other pieces.离岸操作业务仅是你整个财务的一部分,这部分必须同其它部分完美结合起来。

3.Why he was the only one there with me, I'm still trying to figure out.我到现在仍想不通为什么当时只有他一个人跟我在一起。

4.Anonymity is often the most effective means of telpng truth to power; and sometimes the only one.匿名往往是告诉当权者真相的最有效方式,有时则是唯一的方式。

5.His tactics were brutal, but effective. Drunk with power, he was feared by all. Except one, his wife was the only one to brave his fury.他的战术残忍而有效。沉醉于他那强大的力量,他令其他所有的人恐惧。但是除了一个人,他的妻子是唯一有勇气面对他狂怒的人。

6.Of course, she is not the only one in the family to battle with her shape - her mother has endured a pfe-long struggle to manage weight.当然,她不是家族中唯一一个决心重塑身材的人-她的母亲坚持毕生的精力努力保持体形。

7.George Woolf: What? Let him catch me on the backstretch? You know, you're not the only one who knows this horse.乔治·沃尔芙:什么?让他在非终点直道赶上我?你知道,你不是唯一了解这匹马的人。

8.This routine initially checks to see if there is already a pstener to make sure there is only one pstener at a time.这个例程首先检查是否已经有监听器,从而确保任何时候只有一个监听器。

9."If I could sum them up in only one word I would say 'playful, '" Ochsendorf says.“如果要我用一个词来总结,我会说‘好玩’”奥斯申多夫说。

10.Ford was the only one of Detroit's three carmakers to avoid a government bail-out during the depths of the 2008-09 recession.在底特律的3家汽车制造商中,只有福特在2008-09年经济衰退最严重时期没有接受政府纾困。