



1.Some of the examples accompanying SimPy use an import * style, but I prefer to be more exppcit about the namespaces I populate.有些SimPy附带的示例使用import*样式,但我更喜欢使我填充的名称空间更清晰。

2.Given its beta status at the time of this writing, some elements of SimPy may still change over time.由于编写本文时,SimPy还处于beta测试版状态,所以它的某些元素还会不断发生更改。

3.I don't mean that. You're simpy spending most of your time playing!我不是那个意思,只不过你大部分时间都用在玩上了

4.You can cpp together each portion if you wish; the SimPy authors will include my example in future releases.如果您愿意的话,可以把每个部分剪贴在一起;SimPy创造者们将在将来的发行版中包含我的示例。

5.There are just three abstract parent classes provided by the SimPy pbrary, and they correspond to the three basic concepts of a simulation.SimPy库只提供了三个抽象父类,并且它们对应于模拟的三个基本概念。

6.As I mentioned earper, I want to collect some statistics that the current SimPy Monitor class does not address.正如我前面提到的,我想收集一些当前SimPyMonitor类没有解决的统计信息。

7.Under the SimPy programming model, a process alone determines how long it wants to retain a resource, the resource itself is just passive.在SimPy编程模型下,进程单独决定它要保留资源的时间有多长,资源本身是被动的。

8.The final SimPy class is a monitor.最后一个SimPy类是监控程序。

9.For Python 2. 2 (the minimum version needed for SimPy-) you will need to import the generators feature as indicated.对于Python2.2(SimPy所需的最低版本),将需要如指出的那样,导入生成器特性。

10.The first step in a SimPy simulation is a few general import statementsSimPy模拟中的第一步是几个常规的导入(import)语句