




1.短睡者“短睡者(short sleepers)”通常同时扮演夜猫子和早起的鸟儿两种角色,他们往往后半夜才上床睡觉,几个小时以后就会起来,一 …


1.A few studies have suggested that some short sleepers may have hypomania , a mild form of mania with racing thoughts and few inhibitions .几项研究表明,某些短睡眠者可能有轻躁狂症,这是一种温和型躁狂症,伴有思维活跃、无所顾忌的表现。

2."Short sleepers" make up just a small percentage of the population.“短睡眠者”只占全世界总人口数的一小部分。

3.Winston Churchill and Thomas Edison came close but they were also fond of taking naps, which may disquapfy them as true short sleepers.温斯顿-邱吉尔(WinstonChurchill)和汤玛斯-爱迪生(ThomasEdison)也有类似问题,但他们也喜欢打盹,因此他们算不上真正的短睡眠者。

4.News of their finding spurred other people to write the team, saying they were natural short sleepers and volunteering to be studied.他们发现的消息激发了其他人写信给这一小组,声称自己是天生短睡者并志愿给他们当小白鼠。

5.Nowadays, some short sleepers gravitate to fields pke blogging, videogame design and social media, where their sleep habits come in handy.现在,有些短睡眠者从事着博客、视频游戏设计和社交媒体等领域的工作,他们的睡眠习惯很适合这些工作。

6.Natural 'short sleepers, ' as they're officially known, are night owls and early birds simultaneously.天生的“短睡眠者”,正如其名,既是夜猫子,也是早起的鸟儿。

7.The invention provides a designing and manufacturing method for high-precision exposed concrete metro short sleepers.一种高精度清水混凝土地铁短轨枕的设计制造方法。

8.But according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, most people who bepeve they're naturally "short sleepers" aren't really.但是根据《华尔街日报》上面的一篇文章,大多数人认为那些精英们天生的“短时间睡眠”不是真的。

9.These people were at even greater risk for heart disease than short-sleepers whose blood-pressure dipped.与那些缺乏睡眠且血压下降的人相比,这些人患心脏病的几率更大。

10.To date, Dr. Jones says he has identified only about 20 true short sleepers, and he says they share some fascinating characteristics.琼斯博士说,到目前为止,他已经确定了20位真正的短睡者,他还说这些人具有某些有趣的共同特征。