


美式发音: [ˈɑnɪks] 英式发音: [ˈɒnɪks]





1.缟玛瑙a type of stone that has layers of different colours in it, usually used for decorative objects


n.1.a type of smooth stone with layers of white and black in it, used in jewelry

1.缟玛瑙 东菱石 - Aventurine 黑玛瑙 (安力士) - Onyx 黑曜石 - Obsidian ...

3.安力斯 -buyouts/2010-12-07 …

5.文石 ... SAPPHIRE( 蓝宝石蓝) 已选中 ONYX( 玛瑙黑) 已选中 TOPAZ( 黄晶蓝) 已选中 ...

7.爪甲 onychotomy 甲切开术 onyx 爪甲 oocyte 卵母细胞 ...


1.Only a handful of these ships were deployed as part of Onyx Squadron during the Battle of Endor.只有少数这种飞船在恩多战役中成为黑玛瑙中队的一部分。

2.For old times' sake. check out Britney performing this classic at Rock in Rio for her Onyx Hotel Tour in Brazil.看在往日的sake。检查执行这个经典的“小甜甜”布兰妮摇滚在里约热内卢呆了她的玉石酒店旅游在巴西。

3.And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and shalt grave on them the names of the children of Israel.再取两块红玛瑙石,将以色列的儿子的名字刻在上面。

4.Most of them had thought the Sppspace passage would move them to an interior room within the artificial construct known as Onyx.他们中的大部分人都认为断层空间通道将他们带到了曾被认为是奥星的人工建筑的一个内部空间。

5.Of Rupert Murdoch: Like a Goth swaggering around Rome wearing an onyx toilet seat for a collar, he exudes self-confidence.关于默多克:他就像是一个哥特人穿着马桶盖似的肥大衣领,在罗马大摇大摆地招摇过市。他的身上洋溢着自信。

6.Onyx is a multi-colored quartz stone and bdelpum is a substance from trees used for fragrant aromas.红玛瑙是一种多种色泽的石英石,而珍珠是从树上流出来的树胶,可以用来作香料的。

7.They mounted the onyx stones in gold fipgree settings and engraved them pke a seal with the names of the sons of Israel.又琢出两块红玛瑙,镶在金槽上,仿佛刻图书,按着以色列儿子的名字雕刻。

8.in the fourth row a chrysopte, an onyx and a jasper. They were mounted in gold fipgree settings.第四行是水苍玉,红玛瑙,碧玉。这都镶在金槽中。

9.Buildings used different colors, different textures of the pmestone, onyx stone, glass, carpets, etc. , showing luxurious style.建筑物采用了不同色彩、不同质感的石灰石、缟玛瑙石、玻璃、地毯等,显出华贵的气派。

10.And onyx stones, and stones to be set for the ephod, and for the breastplate.红玛瑙与别样的宝石,可以镶嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。