


美式发音: ['ɒpkəʊd] 英式发音: ['ɒpkəʊd]




opcode— see alsooperation code


1.操作码 ... "作业限制"," Restriction of maintenance work" "作业码,运算码"," Opcode" "作业编码"," Activity code" ...

4.指令操作码0 代表 MOV ax他指定了本条指令的操作,叫做指令操作码(Opcode),0000 0001 0000 0000 代表1,指定了操作的操作数,可以看 …

5.指令的操作码指令的操作码Opcode)表明指令的操作,例如数据传送、加法运算等基本操作。操作数(Operand)是参与操作的数据,主 …

6.操作码宽5.固定的32 bits 操作码宽(opcode),降低编码数量所产生的耗费,减轻解码和管线化的负担。6.大多均为一个CPU周期执行。


1.The easiest thing to boost performance of any PHP apppcation (the "P" in LAMP, of course) is to take advantage of an opcode cache.提高任何PHP应用程序(当然是LAMP中的“P”)的性能的最简单方式是利用一个操作码缓存。

2.An opcode cache saves this compiled opcode and reuses it the next time the page is called.操作码缓存将保存这个编译后的操作码,并在下一次调用该页面时重用它。

3.If the program has more than one occurrence of the opcode, try to find the sequence printed by the handler code in the dump file.如果这个程序中一条操作码出现了多次,请尝试在dump文件中寻找处理程序代码所打印的序列。

4.In AT&T syntax, the size of memory operands is determined from the last character of the opcode name.在AT&T语法中,内存操作数的大小由操作码名称的最后一个字符决定。

5.We see a much cleaner syntax for defining these functions, which can be optimized for performance by opcode caches.我们看到了定义这些函数的更规则的语法,这可以通过操作码缓存来优化性能。

6.Opcode caches have long been popular for PHP, with some of the first ones coming about back in the heyday of PHP V4.操作码缓存对于PHP流行已久,其中早期的一些要追溯到PHPV4的全盛期。

7.Unpke APC and Wincache, it is only an opcode cache and optimizer, so it does not contain the user cache components.不同于APC和Wincache,它仅是一个操作码缓存和优化器,因此它不包含用户缓存组件。

8.The other idea everyone has when looking at this, sooner or later, is "Why not put the opcode-to-template translation table in the code? "阅读本文时,每个人迟早都会有的另一个想法是“为什么不把opcode-to-template转换表包含在代码中?”

9.On top of the stack to the type specified in the opcode, and places that converted value on the top of the stack.转换为在操作码中指定的类型,然后将转换后的值放在堆栈顶部。

10.Opcode A sequence of bits that is recognized by the processor as one of the instructions in its instruction set.一串被处理器验证过的二进制位的序列,它作为其指令集的一个子集。