




1.剧终 剧作家〖 playwright〗 剧终theend(offilmoropera)〗 剧本〖 script〗 ...

2.尽头 ... 尽态极妍〖 showsdesirablelooksandlovelyexpressionwithmightandmain〗 尽头theend〗 尽夕〖 allnight …

3.情感 狂野 crazy 情感 theend 乐队名: 死因池( Deathpond) ...

4.神童 5X19双疯 FopeADeux 5X20神童 TheEnd 6X01开端 TheBeginning ...

5.结局 Death 死亡 TheEnd 结局 NegotiateandWin! 谈判,取胜! ...


1.If Google had been unable to renew its pcense, it could have meant theend of the company's operations in China.如果Google不能够延续它的许可,这将意味着它在中国经营的结束。

2.That's the only big difference I could find.这就是我能找到的最大区别了。TheEnd。

3.Move those dates to theend of the sentence, instead, and put the important stuff up front.把日期放到句子的最后,把重要的信息提前。

4.The End (Media Control Charts Number 13) didnt mean the end, in fact it signalled the beginning of the second album.TheEnd并不真正代表着结束,事实上它意味着第二张专辑的发行。

5.I therefore askall of my colleagues to join me in correcting this mistake by cosponsoring theEnd the Mandate Act.我因此请求所有同僚与我一起,联署“废除全民医保法案”以修正这个错误。

6.Peter loves to argue with Mama, but she always gets her way in theend.彼得很喜欢和妈妈争论,但最后大多数都是妈妈赢的。

7.Theend user pcense agreement for each component is located in the component's source code.各项配置程序的源程序均附带一份最终使用人许可协议。

8.I hope you will keep your ~ that the work will be finished before theend of this month.我希望你能遵守诺言,在本月底前完成这工作

9.This sad truth would normally signal theend of the story.这个悲伤的事实将是这个故事的常规的结束。

10.The government hasextended the program, which was initially set to expire at theend of March, for six months until September.而且政府也决定将这项本打算于3月份终止的项目延迟6个月至9月份。