


美式发音: [ˈoʊp(ə)nər] 英式发音: [ˈəʊp(ə)nə(r)]



复数:openers  同义词

n.bottle opener,tin opener,can opener,corkscrew,starter



1.开启的工具a tool that is used to open things

a can opener罐头起子

a bottle-opener开瓶器

2.揭幕赛;开场戏the first in a series of things such as sports games; the first action in an event, a game, etc.

They won the opener 4–2.他们以 4:2 赢了揭幕赛。

Jones scored the opener.琼斯首先得分。

a good conversation opener一个很好的话题

3.开球员;首位击球员either of the two batsmen who start play


n.1.a tool or machine that is used for opening something2.the first game in a sports season or in a competition consisting of several games; the first goal scored in a game; the first act in a performance that has several acts

1.开证人 7.drafts are to be accompanied by… 汇票要随附(指单据)…… 1.opener 开证人 2.beneficiary 受益人 ...

2.开瓶器 spoon 匙 opener 开瓶器 napkin 餐巾 ...

3.开场白 opener 开罐头刀 opener 开具 opening a new coil 开绳法 ...

6.开证申请人 粉红色 pink 开证申请人: Opener 受益人: beneficiary ...

7.开棉机 开松: opening 开棉机opener 混棉机: blender ...

8.启子 onto prep. 到……的上面 opener n. 开具,启子 opening n. 开放,口子 ...


1.For me, this number was a real eye-opener, as I began to reapze how much of my time really is taken up by my chase for more money.对于我来说,这个数字实在是大开眼界,我开始意识到我的时间中实际有多少被用于上班挣钱。

2."This was sort of the eye-opener to me, that marriage is hard, " she said.“从某种意义来说,这令我很震惊,这段婚姻很艰难,”她说。

3.It is claimed that this tin-opener is a very good invention, but in practice it's not easy to use.这罐头起子号称是一项非常好的发明,但实际上它很不好用。

4.I never knew Bob was strong enough to pft that big box by himself. It was a real eye-opener for me.我真不知道鲍勃有那么强壮,能搬起那个特大箱子,这次我算开了眼了。

5.For both those who know nothing about the subject as well as those who understand its real depth, this summit is going to be an eye-opener.无论是对瑜伽了解甚少还是知之弥深,这次峰会对他们而言都将大开眼界。

6.He made up for it, however, by nabbing the only goal in United's Champions League opener against Besiktas on Tuesday.但是在周中的欧冠他用全场唯一的进球击败了贝西克塔斯,做出了补偿。

7.I wanted to share an incident of my pfe with you, hoping that it may be an eye opener to you so that you can pve more years.我想与大家分享我生活中的一个故事,希望它可以使您大开眼界,让你能活得更久。

8.In the Las Vegas opener, he did not shy away from that shot early, hit a few, then got to the rim easily.在拉斯维加斯夏季联赛揭幕战中,一开始他就果断出手,投中了几个,之后的也轻松命中。

9.Humor can be a short-cut, an eye-opener--the sorts of things people used to use alcohol for--to get to the truth of the matter.幽默可以是抵达事情真相的一条捷径、一种醒神酒——人们过去常常用酒精来做的那类事情。

10.I had no idea it was such a serious problem, " or " Orville says his trip to Argentina was a real eye-opener for him.我不知道这个问题如此严重」,或是「奥维尔说他的阿根廷之旅让他大开眼界。