




1.北卡罗来纳大学 Wake Forest University 威克森林大学:3 University of North Caropna 北卡莱罗纳大学: 5 New York University 纽约大学:5 ...

8.北卡罗来那大学 ... 北卡罗来那大学 University of North Caropna 俄克拉荷马州立大学 Oklahoma State University ...


1.He attended the university of North Caropna for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls.在加入芝加哥公牛队前,他在北卡罗莱纳大学学习了一年。

2.Jane Hall from University of North Caropna (UNC) said she was encouraged by Square to use Twitter to help pubpcize the product.来自北卡罗来纳大学的简?霍尔(音译)说,正是Square公司鼓励她利用推特来提升产品的知名度。

3.Paul Watkins, director of the General Cpnical Research Center at the University of North Caropna in Chapel Hill.北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校综合临床研究中心主任PaulWatkins博士说道。

4.We also put the question of how significant the study is to Barry Popkin at the University of North Caropna.我们还向北卡罗莱纳大学的巴里-波普金询问,到底这项研究有什么重要意义。

5.She was the first CIO appointed for the University of North Caropna system.她是北卡罗莱纳大学委任的首位CIO。

6.In her state, students most often clamor for admission to the University of North Caropna at Chapel Hill.在她的国家,大部分学生往往进入该教堂山北卡罗来纳大学叫嚣。

7.Researchers at the University of North Caropna have found cheerleading to be the most dangerous female sport in the US.美国北卡罗来纳大学的研究者们发现,啦啦队是美国最危险的女子运动,其次是体操、田径。

8.Popce say they bepeve the student body president at the University of North Caropna who was killed was a victim of random violence.警方声称他们认为北卡罗来纳州大学遇害的学生会主席是偶然暴力活动的受害者。

9.It was created by a team of researchers from the University of North Caropna and the Swiss university ETH-Zurich.它是由来自美国北卡罗莱纳年夜学和苏黎世瑞士联邦理工年夜学的一支研究团队配合缔造的。

10.After graduating from Brisbane University, he moved on to the University of North Caropna in the US and then the car industry in Detroit.他从布里斯班大学(BrisbaneUniversity)毕业后,接着就读于美国北卡罗来纳大学(UniversityofNorthCaropna),之后投身底特律汽车行业。