



美式发音: [ˈɑp(ə)rə] 英式发音: [ˈɒp(ə)rə]



复数:operas  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chinese opera,Italian opera

v.+n.perform opera




n.1.<foreign>The plural of opus2.a type of play performed by singers and an orchestra; connected with, consisting of, or performing in opera3.opera considered as an art form

1.歌剧 convey vt. 搬运, 传达, 转让 operas n. 歌剧 extension n. 延长, 扩充, 范围n.扩展名 ...

2.莫札特歌剧 威尔第名曲101 6 Verdi 101 克伦培勒逝世40周年纪念限量套装 五:莫札特歌剧 Mozart:Operas 多明哥名曲101 6 Domingo 1…

3.歌剧作品 PianoMusic 钢琴作品 Operas 歌剧作品 Choral,SacredMusic 合唱、圣乐作品 ...

4.京剧戏曲 ... ㄧ步步 one step 京剧戏曲 operas 慢跑在沙滩上 jogging on the beach ...


1.One opinion that found consensus among the panelists was that music critics disrespect operas that are too accessible.其中一个获得了较多研讨成员同意的意见是,音乐评论家轻易地认为歌剧太容易理解了。

2.However, some experts argued that the notion that there was nothing but the eight Model Operas in Cultural Revolution culture is mistaken.然而,一些专家质疑在文化大革命只有样板戏的文化形式的说法是错的。

3.He had a composer's voice. And he would invite eminent vocalists to his house, and sing them his operas, taking all the parts.它有一副作曲家地嗓子,但它会把著名地歌唱家请到自己本人家里,为它们演唱自己本人地作品,还要扮演剧中所有地角色喜悦。

4.As with most countries, soap operas extolling the virtues of love, or at least escapist romance, have their place as well.与大多数国家一样,歌颂爱情的美好或至少让人逃避现实的浪漫肥皂剧也占有一席之地。

5.As a performer, how much do you know about other types of operas (Peking opera, itallian opera), and what do you think of them?作为一个演员,您对其他形式的戏曲(京剧,意大利歌剧)了解多少,对它们有什么看法?

6.By now the facts of his murder are as well known as the latest twists in the soap operas on TV.如今,他的谋杀案已经像电视台最新上映的肥皂剧那样家喻户晓。

7.Sometimes the man sang songs from Peiping operas and Li cried as he thought of his home in the north.有时候这个人唱起京戏来,勾起李思念在北方的家而悲哭。

8.Each of the two cultures has its own traditional operas and ballads, recording a thousand years of Fujian's history.这两种文化都有各自的传统戏剧及诗歌,它们共同记录了福建千年的历史沧桑。

9.Before he visited the US. , Rain already had a fan base, thanks to Internet music sites, satellite TV and DVDs of his soap operas.凭借互联网音乐网站、卫星电视和他拍的电视剧的DVD,他在去美国之前已经拥有了自己的粉丝团。

10.The operas about The Dream of the Red Chamber in Qing Dynasty can be looked as a special kind of form of reception on the novel.清代红楼戏是当时人们对《红楼梦》小说文本的一种独特接受形式。