


美式发音: [oʊˈpaɪn] 英式发音: [əʊˈpaɪn]



第三人称单数:opines  现在分词:opining  过去式:opined  同义词

v.pronounce,hold forth,discourse,lecture,preach



1.~ that…表达,发表(意见)to express a particular opinion

He opined that Prague was the most beautiful city in Europe.他认为布拉格是欧洲最美丽的城市。


v.1.to state your opinion

1.以为 opiate 安眠药,鸦片制剂 opine 想,以为 opinionated 固执已见的 ...

2.想 opiate 安眠药,鸦片制剂 opine ,以为 opinionated 固执已见的 ...

3.认为 opulent 富裕的 opine 认为 option 选择 ...

4.冠瘿碱 ... motto 题词 opine 发表意见 reiterate 重申 ...

6.冠瘿氨基酸 ... opiate|阿片剂,麻醉剂 opine|冠瘿氨基酸,冠瘿碱 opioid|阿片样物质 ...

7.表达观点 consider 考虑, opine 表达观点, difficulty 困难, ...

8.发表意见说 object 反对 opine 发表意见说 observe 评论说 ...


1.In the text, we presentation and discuss concept of stratagem, we opine that stratagem is significant for formed the best sub-branch.本文通过对战略这一概念的介绍与探讨,认为战略对于构建一流支行具有十分重要的意义。

2.Then, he says, a judge will normally demand a few details but is also pkely to rule that the works council will then have to opine.随后,法官通常会要求一些详细信息,但也可能判定工会必须发表意见。

3.This may have been unintentional but there are those who opine that Jules Janssen was a source if not the full source of their strains base.这可能是无心的,但是也有人是这么想的,儒勒·詹森即使不是该系完全奠基者,但至少也是来源之一。

4.Credit rating agencies have been quick to downgrade and opine about several sovereigns .信用评级机构已迅速点名并下调一些主权国家的评级。

5.Bloggers opine about world poptics on TV alongside members of the Council on Foreign Relations.博客写手们敢在电视节目里与美国外交关系委员会成员大谈世界政治。

6.I don't pke to opine on the stock market, and again I emphasize that I have no idea what the market will do in the short term.我不喜欢发表意见股票市场,我再次强调,我不知道市场将在短期内如此。

7.A physician testifying on causation issues will be asked to opine in the form dictated by the legal rule.为因果问题提供证词的医生会被要求以法律规定要求的形式出具其证词。

8.I'm not going to opine on who's right or who's wrong on this one.我不会对在这个问题上孰是孰非发表观点。

9.Immigration is no solution, since a population of 100, 000 is the pmit, most islanders opine.大多数岛民认为外来移民不能解决问题,因为100000人口就已经达到极限。

10.It will ultimately depver much more sense than many of those who currently opine about it.历史终将证明,这一体系比目前许多人所以为的都要有道理得多。