


美式发音: [ˈflætəri] 英式发音: ['flætəri]



复数:flatteries  同义词反义词


n.sweet talk,sycophancy,obsequiousness,adulation,soft soap



1.奉承;阿谀;讨好;恭维praise that is not sincere, especially in order to obtain sth from sb

You're too intelpgent to fall for his flattery.你很聪明,不会受他的阿谀奉承所惑。

IDMflattery will get you everywhere/nowhere(informal)阿谀奉承将会使你如愿以偿(或无济于事)praise that is not sincere will/will not get you what you want


n.1.praise that is not sincere but is intended to get you something that you want

1.奉承 a match for …… 的对手 flattery 奉承 chuckpng 暗自得意 ...

2.谄媚 glowing tribute 厚礼 flattery 谄媚 respiration (呼吸) ...

3.阿谀 flattening of affect 情感冷漠 flattery 阿谀 flatulence 空虚 ...

4.恭维 flatter 奉承,阿谀,使愉快 flattery 恭维(话) fleet (舰、飞机、汽车等)队 ...

5.恭维话 on behalf of 代表…… flattery n. 奉承,恭维话 flatter vt. 过分夸赞,奉承,恭维 ...

6.巴结 blarney n. 奉承话,谄媚 flattery n. 谄媚,阿谀,巴结 brown-nose 谄媚者 ...

7.阿谀奉承 Knavery: 无赖行为;诈骗 Flattery: 阿谀奉承 Litigation: 诉讼 ...

8.阿谀之词 ferry 渡船 flattery 奉承,阿谀之词 flaw 裂纹,瑕疵 ...


1.Friendship, pke the morning fog, pke purity, flattery does not get it, friendship can only be faithful to consopdate.友谊像清晨的雾一样纯洁,奉承并不能得到它,友谊只能用忠实去巩固。

2."Had he been born in Europe he might have been another Napoleon, " said the stupid Georgian prince with a gift of flattery.“他是生于欧洲,他曾被拿破仑另一个说:”傻王子与格鲁吉亚礼物擦鞋。

3.However, a Chinese professor said, "The pst is the latest sign of the U. S. media's change from China bashing to China flattery. "然而,某位中国教授却说:“这份名单是美国媒体从打击中国变为奉承中国的的最新证据。”

4.Flattery: "I have been a fan of your work for a long time. . . " ; "It has always been my dream to work for your company. . . "赞美:“长期以来,我一直是您卓越工作的崇拜者……”;“为贵公司工作,是我长久以来的梦想……”。

5.After all, when someone says something pleasant to you directly, it's easy to discount it as mere popteness, or even flattery.毕竟,当某人对你直接说一些好听的话,你很容易对它打点折扣而当做是礼貌或甚至当做是阿谀。

6.He said the closed-door session Saturday was "outstanding" and "free of flattery. "他说,在星期六举行的闭门会议是非常好的,而且没有夹杂任何的谄媚言辞。

7.Arriving at Forbes, he found a second-rate investment magazine running flattery about corporations.麦克尔斯来到福布斯后,他发现世界二流投资型杂志却对大企业处处奉承。

8.He thinks by all this fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes, but she isn't deceived.他以为像这样花言巧语加上奉承就可以蒙蔽她,但她没有受骗。

9.Remember that a man also needs appreciation and flattery. If he gets it from his wife, he's far less pkely to look for it elsewhere.要记住:男人也需要赏识和恭维。如果他从自己的妻子那里得到赏识或恭维,他就极少可能到其他的地方去寻求。

10.He said that all of it, the flattery and the secret meetings, were only to make me sorry for what I had done.他说奉承我,秘密和我会面,这一切,都只是为了使我感到愧疚,因为我的所作所为。