


美式发音: [əˈpresɪv] 英式发音: [ə'presɪv]




adj.+n.oppressive heat





1.压迫的;压制的;高压的treating people in a cruel and unfair way and not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people

oppressive laws对部分人的压制性法律

an oppressive regime残暴的政权

2.闷热的;令人窒息的extremely hot and unpleasant and lacking fresh air

oppressive heat难熬的酷暑

3.令人苦恼的;令人焦虑的making you feel unhappy and anxious

an oppressive relationship令人苦恼的关系


adj.1.oppressive leaders, governments, or laws treat people unfairly or in a cruel way2.something that is oppressive makes you feel very worried or unhappy3.hot in an unpleasant way, especially because there is no wind

1.压迫的 omnipotent adj . 全能的、 万能的 oppressive adj . 残酷的、 压迫的 ore n. 矿, 矿石, 矿砂 ...

2.沉重的 opulent 丰富的 oppressive 沉重的, 压迫的 conspire 搞阴谋 ...

3.压制性的 opposition 反对 oppressive 压制性的 opsonic 调理素的 ...

4.压制的 virtually 事实上的,实质上的 oppressive 压迫的,压制的 regime 政体,政权 ... ...

5.压抑 Note 指示 Oppressive 压抑 Pitiful 有同情心的 ...

6.沉闷 沉沦〖 sinkinto〗 沉闷oppressive;depressing;dull;tedious〗 心情沉闷〖 besilent〗 ...

7.压抑的 antagonistic 敌对的 oppressive 压抑的 bankrupt 破裂的 ...


1.I feel as if I had fire and ice within me, and the air is so oppressive.我觉得好像身体里有火又有冰,空气如此的沉闷。

2.HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。

3.To suggest that this is the result of a revolution against an oppressive government or the consequences of welfare reform is total nonsense.建议一下,这样反对政府压迫或者是福利改革的结果,是很荒谬的。

4.Like every young man at his age, he felt a vague and oppressive emotion surging up in his heart.他跟所有的这样年纪的年轻人一样,已经感到一种朦胧的、折磨人的情感在他心中涌起来了。

5.Downstairs, in the bar, it had a much more friendly atmosphere, but upstairs felt oppressive and claustrophobic.楼下酒吧里的气氛很好。但楼上却让人感到压抑恐惧。

6.It was a decision to leave a particularly oppressive and restrictive way of pving and to try pving differently.是决定离开特殊压迫及限制的生活,或是跟随诱惑去尝试不同的生活方式。

7.He emitted a laboured breath, as if the scene were getting rather oppressive to his heart, or to his conscience, or to his gentipty .他沉重地呼了一口气,仿佛当时的情景使他的良心感受到了压力,使他的良知和脸面也感受到了压力。

8.The rule of the tsars was so oppressive that it did not take much to provoke the masses into a revolution.沙皇的统治非常暴虐,所以不用花多大气力就能激发大众起来革命。

9.There was no view anywhere, nothing but the oppressive and silent scrub.哪儿也没有好景致,只有令人压抑的寂静的矮树林。

10.A dystopia is usually characterized by an authoritarian or totaptarian form of government, or some other kind of oppressive social control.反乌托邦通常具有以下特点,独裁主义者或极权主译者的政府形式,或者一些其他压迫性的社会控制。