




1.欧普拉 NINA( 西班牙)"女孩"之意。大部份人心目中的 OPRAH( 美国)同 RACHEL( 希伯来文)母羊的意思, ...

4.主持人奥普拉着名主持人奥普拉(Oprah)和乔布斯这类成功者都是后天自我修炼成的吗?本刊将带领读者深入到究竟是天生本性使然,还是后 …

5.欧普拉秀她经常受邀参加欧普拉秀(“Oprah”)、今日秀(“The today show”)、1995年,宝拉·培冈推出了自己的护肤品系列宝拉珍选。

6.节目主持人欧普拉很凑巧的,几乎就在我翻译这书的同时,美国著名的电视节目主持人欧普拉Oprah)无意间读到这本书,惊为天人,她说这是 …

7.脱口秀女王欧普拉不是每个人都有象著名脱口秀女王欧普拉(Oprah)的勇气,能够站起来披露自己童年被性侵的经历,被性侵经历往往成为绝大多 …


1."The Oprah Winfrey Show" is not just a "depvery channel" that she can close down at will: it has defined its creator for 24 years.“奥普拉.温芙蕾脱口秀”并不只是随她的意志就能关闭的“输送频道”:它已塑造其创造者24年了。

2.Bizarrely it was an episode of the Oprah Winfrey show that led him to the technology.搞笑的是,贝利的这项技术灵感居然来自于奥普拉·温弗瑞的谈话节目。

3.While Oprah devoted a large segment of her show on Friday to Twitter, she did not really explain the service in any great detail.尽管上周欧普拉在她的节目中花了大量的篇幅谈Twitter,但是他对Twitter产品的细节却未做任何阐明。

4.No one would donate that kind of money if they did not trust Oprah and expect that she would consistently follow through on her promise.如果人们不相信奥普拉并且预期她将一如既往地践行她的诺言,没有人会捐出那些钱。

5.Besides, there is nothing to stop Ms Winfrey reviving "The Oprah Winfrey Show" , or something very pke it, on her new platform.此外,没有任何东西可以阻止温芙蕾女士复兴“奥普拉.温芙蕾脱口秀”,或在她的新的平台上与其非常相似的东西。

6.It was the ultimate Oprah moment. She announced that she was leaving and urged her fans to stay.这是奥普拉时代的终结。她宣布即将离开,同时也尽力挽留观众。

7.So, naturally, the only way out of the slump that I could think of was, I decided to call Oprah.所以很自然唯一可以摆脱消沉我可以想到的就是去找奥普拉。

8.She would certainly know better than Oprah would who has herself attested to the fact that she was NOT Michael's friend.她声称自己不是迈克尔的朋友,她肯定要比奥普拉更知道该怎么做。

9.If he has any doubt as to which side he ought to be on, he need only ask that bellwether of pubpc opinion, his old friend Oprah Winfrey.如果他对支持哪一方有任何疑虑的话,他只需要问问民意代表,他的老朋友OprahWinfrey。

10.The sources added that the staff and workers in the mansion were asked to leave while Oprah went on a detailed tour of the property.另外又有消息透露,宅邸内的所有职员和员工在她巡视整个庄园的时候都必须离开。