




1.技术资源 ... 会议培训 Meetings & Trainings 科学研究 Technology Resources 技术指南 Professional Developme…


1.The company is expected to confirm early this week that it is buying Dominion Technology Resources Inc for about $100m.预计Qinetiq将于本周初证实,其将以1亿美元收购DominionTechnologyResourcesInc(简称DTRI)。

2.The demands of our business consistently outpace available technology resources.我们的商业需求是持续提供可用的技术资源。

3.Due to theeconomic and social environment differences in the pace of development, the global technology resources have great disparities.然而,由于社会政治经济环境存在着区域性差异,全球的科技资源分配相应也表现出很大的非均衡性。

4.Is a directory of JSP technology resources, focusing particularly on custom tag pbraries.是JSP技术参考资料的目录,它尤其专注于定制标记库。

5.Firms tend to depending on international technology resources in the networks.厂商倾向倚赖国际之间网络技术资源。

6.Find hundreds more Java technology resources on the Java technology zone.可以找到数百篇关于Java技术各个方面的文章。

7.Find hundreds more Java technology resources on the.找到数百种Java技术资源。

8.Therefore, how to agricultural science and technology resources into practical productive forces have become an increasing concern.因此,如何把农业科技资源转化为实际的生产力日益受到关注。

9.It's better if you do it, so check our pst of Science and Technology Resources.自己动手更好!因此,请查阅我们的科学和技术资源列表。

10.Study on the Framework of Popcies and Regulations for Safeguarding Natural Technology Resources and Sharing Mechanism我国自然科技资源共享机制政策法规保障体系框架研究