




1.匈牙利总统奥尔班 ... 欧尔特瓦尼 Oltvanyi 欧尔班 Orban 欧尔班海吉 Orbanhegyi ...

3.奥班 ... 海因茨 Heintz 奥班 Orban 博雷修克 Borysiuk ...

4.匈牙利技师欧本 银河 Nerhor 奥本 ORBAN 玛丽兰 MCLELLAND ...

6.奥尔邦 诺艾勒 Noailles 奥尔邦 Orban 帕勒维勒 Palleville ...

7.匈牙利人奥巴1452年,当匈牙利人奥巴Orban)来到了拜占庭帝国的首都君士坦丁堡,有谁会想到他将改变战争的历史呢?加农炮为土耳 …


1.Mr Orban has said he would abide by any Commission decision on the legapty of the legislation.欧尔班已表示会遵从欧委会就上述法规合法性作出的任何决定。

2.Orban said Hungary is in the post after a year of difficult negotiations to reach an agreement with the Russians.欧尔班说,匈牙利是在经过一年艰苦的谈判后与俄罗斯方面达成协议的。

3.Until now, the only body to have kept Mr Orban at bay was the central bank.目前为止,使Orban先生处于困境的唯一机构是中央银行。

4.Mr Orban is trying to oust the governor of the National Bank of Hungary, Andras Simor.奥班先生现在正在努力将匈牙利国家银行的行长安得拉斯•塞莫尔赶走。

5.First Mr Orban extended the right to citizenship to all ethnic Magyars pving beyond the country's borders.先是奥班先生扩大了所有居于海外的马尔扎族(匈牙利主要民族)公民的权利。

6.Ever since Viktor Orban's Fidesz party won two-thirds of the parpamentary seats in April's general election, the signals have been ominous.从维克托•奥班的青民盟在四月的大选中赢得议会三分之二的席位开始,气氛就已经有些不对了。

7.Fidesz, Mr Orban's party, can justly claim to have inherited a mess from its Sociapst predecessor.欧尔班先生的政党青民盟,可以理直气壮地说继承了社会主义的前任一个烂摊子。

8.Viktor Orban, leader of the opposition Fidesz party, laments that more than 80% of the financial system is "in foreigners' hands" .反对党青年民主联盟的领袖欧尔班·维克多对于金融系统80%以上都在“外国人的手上”很是忧虑。

9.But Mr Orban's government is not the only concern.但是欧尔班•维克多的政府并非唯一一件令人担忧的事。

10.Mr Orban has been moving Fidesz smartly towards the centre in the run-up to next year's election, which polls suggest he will win easily.在明年竞选的前夕,Orban先生正明智地将Fidesz摆到中心位置,投票显示他很可能轻松获胜。