


美式发音: [ɔrk] 英式发音: [ɔ:k]





1.兽人德拉诺大陆来到Azroth(艾泽拉斯)的种族,但是兽人(orc) 却一直是西方神话传说中常见的反面人物,大多数时间充当恶魔 …

2.半兽人 ·Human 人族 ·Orc 兽人部落 ·Undead 不死亡灵 ...


1.The difficulty level is all right and thanks to the save and autosave slots, you can keep returning until you defeat that pesky Orc.游戏难度比较中庸,幸亏有存储和自动存储空间,你可以在打败讨厌的兽族之前不断挑战。

2.wind wrap about him pke a cloak. The orc laughed, the skull floating over his face issuing its own.冰雪的斗篷。兽人大笑了起来,在他脸上漂浮着的骷髅也发出了自己狂躁而响亮的笑声。

3.The first time the Orc put his hands up pke a megaphone and said, "My pfe for the Horde" , and the second time something else.第一次兽人会伸出双手,拢成喇叭状并高呼“为部落献身”,第二次就会做其他动作。

4.The old ways became traditions for a reason, Kettara. They were at the core of orc society until your people decided to embrace change.古老的教导方式成为传统是一定有原因的,凯塔拉,就像兽人们的社会中心也一直有著一样的教义,直到你的人民决定改变。

5.Spike pulls out his sword and tells the orc that the elves are under his protection, pke, way to be arrogant there.狼牙抽出了他的剑,告诉兽人说那些精灵们是受他保护的,貌似太自大了点。

6.Mokka was enraged by this ignominy and vowed to Father Sky that no Orc would wear chains while she had breath in her lungs.出离愤怒的摩卡无法忍受这样的耻辱,她向天灵之父发誓,只要自己还有一口气在,就不会让哪怕一个兽人戴上脚镣。

7.Since the death of Kunyak, the Orc nation has lost its unity and is now divided into countless small tribes scattered on the Pao islands.随着库恩亚克之死,兽人们失去了他们的团结,时至今日,他们已分裂为散落在咆岛之上的无数小部落。

8.Look, here's where we stand. Our scouts have confirmed that there is an orc encampment hidden somewhere over the next ridge.从我们现在的位置,往那儿看。我们的前哨已经证实前方山头后面的某处有一座兽人的营地。

9.it's a safe bet that the half-orc broke out of prison with him, too.可以肯定地说那个半兽人也跟着他一起越狱了。

10.It may draw to the Chief Executive's attention any aspect of the work of the Operations Department or any problem encountered by the ORC.此外,该委员会可促请行政长官注意任何有关执行处的工作,或该委员会所遇到的任何问题。