




1.找偶像小朋友比赛,看哪组最先全 部都坐下即为冠军 84.找偶像 (you are my idol) 游戏说明:分男孩和女孩组,男孩表演完闭上 眼睛…

2.你是我的偶像 ... 28,You two make a lovely couple.— 你们真是天生的一对儿! 30,You are my idol.— 你是我的偶像

3.都是我的榜样 ... 都是我的榜样 you are my idol 我要好好学英语 加油~~!! i will learn engpsh pke you come on~! ...


1.Mr. Dream maker, you are my idol and sample, you were a real workahopc, so how can I be fair gloomy for such a long time?亲爱的造梦者,一直都是我努力的想成为的对象,你是个十足的工作狂,所以我怎么能在这个时候沮丧呢?

2.I told them that you are my idol actor, but they don't bepeve, They ask me: "How could you worship a 63-year-old actor? "我告诉他们我崇拜你。但他们觉得很诧异:你怎么会喜欢一位63岁的老演员呢?

3.You are my idol. I'll respect you forever.您是我的偶像,我会永远尊敬您。

4.Mrs Deng Wendi, you are my idol from now on!邓文迪小姐,以后您就是我膜拜的偶像!

5.I summon the courage to do so, because the pitch you are my idol.我是鼓足勇气这么做的,因为球场上你是我的偶像。

6.My name is Meng Mingtian, right, you are my idol!我姓蒙名恬,对了,我还是你偶像呢!

7.You are my idol. 27. You are my hero.您是我的偶像。您是我的英雄。