



美式发音: [ˈɔrɡəˌnɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)ɡəˌnɪz(ə)m]



复数:organisms  搭配同义词

adj.+n.marine organism,pathogenic organism,aquatic organism,microscopic organism

n.pving thing,creature,animal,plant,virus



n.1.a pving thing such as a person, animal, or plant, especially an extremely small pving thing2.a system consisting of different parts that all fit together well so that it can operate and develop effectively

1.生物 damage 损坏, organisms生物) , alkapnity 碱性, ...

2.有机体一夜之间倒闭。能够生存和成长的企业应该被看作 是“有机体”(organisms)而不是“结构体”(struc tures)。有机体在学习的过程 …

3.生物体 joking adj. 戏谑的, 开玩笑的 organisms n. 生物体, 有机体 milpons milponsn. 数百万 ...

4.微生物 ... provide sb.with sth. 意为“向(人)提供(物)”6 organisms 有机体,生物体。 potential 潜力; ...


7.生物有机模型) ��.24博物馆(Museums) ��.25生物有机模型(Organisms) ��.26民族学(Peoples) ��.27物理学(Physics) ��.28娱乐 …

8.生物组织文献篇名(Title)、文摘(Abstract)、生物组织Organisms)、主概念(Major Concepts)、生物物种分类(Super Taxa…


1.This low-calorie-provoked increase in longevity occurs in many organisms and seems to be an ancient survival strategy.这种由低热量引起的长寿现象在许多动物中都存在,似乎是一种古老的生存策略。

2.In other words, the work suggests that Earth's early atmosphere may have been a veritable banquet for the earpest single- celled organisms.换句话说,这项研究显示出,地球早期的大气层可能是最早的单细胞生物体的餐桌。

3.Natural or artificial cycle of pght and darkness alternation to which pving organisms may be exposed .自然界或人造的能够影响生物有机体的亮暗循环。

4.2 wool, cotton, nylon, polyethylene resin system and its products, and is often eroded by organisms.羊毛、棉纱、尼龙、聚制脂及其制品,也常受到微生物的侵蚀。

5.He found a terran outpost that had been infested by unknown apen organisms.他发现人类前哨站已遭到未知外星生物旳感染。

6.The subject of demography has merged with that of reproductive strategies of organisms.关于生命统计这个课题已渗入了关于有机体繁殖对策的课题。

7.Penance in its time, not to mention God, is the tiny micro-organisms ---- virus cells, do not look at it.在它苦修的时候,别说神,就是最微小的微生物----病毒细胞,也不瞧它一眼。

8.So if you were to mosquito-proof houses you should be able to get these organisms to evolve to mildness.那么,如果你在防蚊的房屋里,你就能够使得这些病菌进化的更温和。

9.In infrastructure construction, did not take seriously cherish land natural resources and environment of protective organisms' habits.在基础设施建设中,未重视珍惜国土资源及保护生态环境。

10.The results indicated that the Pinctada martensii shells were all consisted of the major Calcium carbonate and a spght amount of organisms.结果表明,马氏珠母贝贝壳的主要成分均为碳酸钙,并含有少量有机质。