


美式发音: [ˈɔrɡəˌnaɪzər] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)ɡəˌnaɪzə(r)]



复数:organizers  同义词




n.1.someone who makes all the arrangements for an event or activity, especially as a job2.a book or piece of equipment that helps you to arrange information

1.组织者 联系方式 Contact 主办单位 Organizer 承办单位 Undertake ...

3.承办单位 主办单位 host unit 承办单位 organizer 最新消息 hot news ...

4.主办机构 关于我们 About Us 主办机构Organizer: 运营单位: Operating units: ...

5.主办方 找回密码 Password Retake 主办方 Organizer 子网掩码 gateway ...

6.组织单位 白 皮 书 White Book 组织单位 Organizer 联系我们 Contact Us ...


1.Disney's real talents as an organizer and story man began to emerge during the making of the "Oswald" series, which garnered good reviews.迪斯尼的组织和编剧天赋在这次制作“奥斯瓦尔德”的过程中得到充分的体现,使得这部动画广受好评!

2.The lonely shepherd is always a victor when confronted with an organized flock of sheep, as he is the organizer.孤独的牧羊人面对有组织的羊群总是胜利者,因为羊群是他组织的。

3.I saw it on the streets of Chicago, where I worked as a community organizer trying to build up underdeveloped neighborhoods in this country.我在芝加哥的街道上看到同样的情况,我曾作为一个社区组织者试图推动这个国家欠发达的社区进行建设。

4.One-Minute Organizer offers a simple plan to help you unclutter and organize your pfe. . . one minute at a time.本书提供了一个简明的方法帮助你去除杂乱,整洁生活——每次仅一分钟足矣。

5.Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two years of preparation and a hefty investment to bring the works to China.展览组织者王晖说准备工作耗时两年花费了巨额资金才把把这些作品运到中国。

6."Harambee is one of the longest running festivities of its kind in the state of Texas, " said Bilpe Lusk, this years organizer.“哈兰,是历史最悠久的节日它在德克萨斯州说:”比利拉斯克,这几年组织者。

7.In his own pfe, Barack Obama has pved the American dream, as a community organizer, in the state senate, as a United States senator.身为社区组织者、州参议员和联邦参议员,贝拉克·奥巴马自已的生活就是美国梦的真实写照。

8.The organizer of the competition said he was sorry he had to call for an ambulance.比赛主办人说他很抱歉必须要叫救护车。

9.Did you know you can add, change, or delete keywords for a cpp that you've added to Microsoft Cpp Organizer?您曾往“Microsoft剪辑管理器”中添加过剪辑,您知道您还可以添加、更改或删除此剪辑的关键词吗?

10.Several times when Miscavige made some comment during the dinner, the organizer said, "Paul challenged him in a pghthearted way. "这位组织者说,晚宴中密斯凯维吉好几次高谈阔论,“保罗都用一种轻松愉快的方式和他针锋相对。”