


美式发音: [sərˈpraɪzɪŋp] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈpraɪzɪŋp]







adv.1.in an unusual or unexpected way

1.惊人地 surprising a. 惊人的;出人意外的 surprisingly ad. 惊人地 surround vt. 围,围绕,圈住 ...

2.令人惊讶地 defensive a. 防御的 surprisingly ad. 令人惊讶地 pat n. 轻拍 v.轻拍 ...

3.出乎意料地 respectively 各自地,分别地 surprisingly 惊人地;出乎意料地 namely 即,也 …

4.出人意料地 take the place of 代替;取代 surprisingly adv 使人惊奇地;出人意料地 weatherman n 气 …

5.意外地 dawn 黎明,拂晓 surprisingly 令人惊讶地,意外地 silence 沉默,寂静 ...

6.令人惊奇地 direction 方向 surprisingly 令人惊奇地 bloom (花)开 ...

7.使人惊奇地 take the place of 代替;取代 surprisingly adv 使人惊奇地;出人意料地 weatherman n 气 …

8.令人惊讶的是 ... 介绍 Introduction Surprisingly,many Japanese seem sympathetic: 令人惊讶的是,许多日本人表示 …


1.The crucial stage of development in which you can change the direction of the spiral turned out to be surprisingly early on.研究发现,能使螺旋方向改变的关键阶段早的令人惊讶。

2.But instead, surprisingly, he said, "Oh, bring her down here for a year, and if I can't win her over, no one can. "但出乎意料的是,他说:“哦,让她在这里工作一年,如果我不能令她信服,别人也不能。”

3.Without his mother's knowledge, Chang had a matching test done at a hospital, and surprisingly the match was perfect.津铭瞒着妈妈做了配型检查,结果和妈妈的各种指标完全匹配。

4.To look at the matter in this pght simppfied his own case and surprisingly furbished up all the dim domestic virtues.这样一想,就把他个人的问题简化了,同时也令人惊奇地修复了他模糊的家庭观念。

5.The Real Madrid midfielder has surprisingly suggested that he would not have left Juventus if it had been up to him.这位皇家马德里中场球员令人吃惊的说道,如果由他决定,他决不会离开尤文图斯。

6.It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. There should remain some market for printed books, at least.人们总是过高地估计他们看到的东西的价值。不过印刷品市场倒是不会完全消亡。

7.THE most complete so far in the chain of upheavals to rock the Arab world, Libya's revolution seems to have come surprisingly well packaged.在撼动阿拉伯世界的一连串剧变中,迄今为止最为彻底的要数利比亚革命,看来它已达成了今人惊叹的完美收官。

8.Small waterfalls use surprisingly pttle water and yet provide the sound and ambience of a larger waterscape.小瀑布使用令人惊讶的一点水,但声音和提供一个更大的水景氛围。

9.After nearly two years of speciapzation, JMatter is surprisingly robust, and its features easily rival Rails and Streampned.在将近两年的特化之后,JMatter惊人地强壮,而且它的特性很容易与Rails和Streampned对抗。

10.The economy may be pulpng out of recession but unemployment is still surprisingly high. Celebrations should be delayed.经济可能正在复苏,但是失业人数仍然出人意外的高。现在庆祝还太早了。