




1.奥洛夫 56.巴鲁达之月( Moon Baroda) 61.欧罗夫( Orlov) 63.埃及帕夏( Pasha of Egypt) ...




1.Yuri Orlov: I don't want to be remembered at all. That means I'm dead.尤瑞·奥洛夫:根本没想过,那意味着我死了。

2.In his few spare moments, Orlov often contemplates the fates of his chosen industries.Orlov经常忙里偷闲思考着自己所选择的产业的未来命运。

3.But in one case, a Soviet illegal served as the Costa Rican ambassador to Italy. His detailed story is in The Orlov KGB File, my next book.但是,一例案子中,一位前苏联非法者曾担任哥斯达黎加驻意大利大使,故事细节会在我的下本书《奥洛夫的克格勃档案》中细说。

4.On the open copse on Count Orlov-Denisov's right our columns ought to have been visible.在奥尔洛夫·杰尼索夫伯爵右方,我们的纵队本应在那片裸露的斜坡上出现。

5.Yuri Orlov, we're the Bureau of tobacco, alcohol and firearms. -- let me guess, this is not about alcohol or tobacco -- Yuri Orlov.我们是烟草酒精及枪支管制署。--让我猜猜看,你们肯定不是因为烟草酒精而来。

6.On the brink of the divorce, the wife found Ms. Orlov and Dr. Hallowell's Web site, adhdmarriage. com, and began consulting with Ms. Orlov.即将走向离婚时,他的妻子找到了奥洛夫女士和霍洛韦尔医生的网站adhdmarriage网址被屏蔽,并开始向奥洛夫女士咨询。

7.The next problem was how to get sufficiently close to Orlov to kill him.下一个问题就是如何最大限度地接近奥尔洛夫以便杀死他。

8.for instance, Ms. Orlov would banish long to-do psts in favor of recipe cards that each contain a single task, sorted in order of priority.比如,奥洛夫女士不再列出长长的计划清单,而是改为窍门小卡片,每一张上都只写一项任务,并按照轻重缓急进行分类。

9.Thomson said: "How is Orlov? " "Sleeping pke a baby, sir. "汤姆森问:“奥尔洛夫怎么样?”“睡得正香呢,先生。”

10.With his encyclopedic knowledge and understanding of the KGB and its history, he is finishing a new book called The Orlov KGB File.鲍里斯有丰富的特工知识,对克格勃的历史极其了解,最近一本新书《奥洛夫的克格勃档案》即将收笔。