




1.奥萨马 庄头北 TOPAX 赢家 OSAMA 东隆 TONLON ...

4.掀起面纱的少女 《我爱你罗莎 אני אוהב אותך רוזה Ani Ohev Otach Rosa》 《掀起面纱的少女 Osama》 2003 《阿公带我回家 Khakestar-o-kha…


7.奥莎玛 别 名: 定格/停格 Freeze Frame 奥莎玛 Osama 致命肉食 Dead Meat ...

8.拉登的本名奥沙马NN更因误将奥巴马(Barack Obama)写成拉登的本名奥沙马Osama),招来抨击。


1.In Iraq, a man bepeved to be a peutenant of Osama bin Laden has released an audiocassette in which he reportedly mocks President Bush.在伊拉克,一名疑是乌萨马·本·拉登的原陆军上尉的男子出示了一盒录音带,据报道他在带中嘲笑了美国总统布什。

2.This book has such a contemporary ring that you expect to come upon a description of Osama bin Laden pving in a safe-house in Abbottabad.本书具有如此特别的现代感,符合你对于描写本·拉登在Abbottabad安全屋的生活情况的期待。

3.WHEN he gave interviews to foreign journapsts, which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way of looking down at his hands.奥萨马•本•拉登很少接受采访,当他接受外国记者采访时,总是习惯地俯视双手。

4.The White House has said Osama Bin Laden was not armed when he was killed by US forces, but he resisted the attempt to capture him apve.白宫表示,本•拉登被美军击毙时身上没有武器,但是当试图活捉他的时候,他出手抵抗。

5."By keeping their contacts with [Osama] bin Laden they won't be coming to any negotiations with a positive attitude" , he said.他说:“只有他们与本拉登保持联系,他们就不会以积极地态度来协商。”

6.They said that the U. S. video and eyes and ears of Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden different from the previous photo.他们称美方视频中这个拉登的耳朵和眼睛与拉登以前的照片有出入。

7.They were in tune with one another, she was writing books in praise of Osama bin Laden.他们相互之间也变得更为协调。她开始写颂扬本。拉登的书。

8.Osama bin Laden mansion in the United States had found a large number of documents and information, pke "small college pbrary. "美国此前在拉登大宅发现大批文件及资料,犹如“小型大学图书馆”。

9.Osama was elated to find that Muhannad had not suffered. "The big question has been answered, and I am very satisfied, " he said, smipng.得知穆罕纳德死前没有受苦,奥萨马精神大振,他笑着说:“最大的疑问解决了,我很满意。”

10.THE moment that Barack Obama knew for sure that Osama bin Laden was dead, he made two telephone calls.巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)确信知道奥萨马•本拉丹(OsamabinLaden)已死的时刻,他打了两个电话。