


美式发音: [ˌɑsɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:oscillations  同义词




1.[u][sing]摆动;摇摆;振动a regular movement between one position and another or between one amount and another

the oscillation of the compass needle罗盘指针的摆动

the economy's continual oscillation between growth and recession经济增长与衰退之间的持续波动

2.[c]~ (between A and B).~ (of sth) (against sth)一次波动;浮动;振幅a single movement from one position to another of sth that is oscillating

the oscillations of the pound against foreign currency英镑兑外币汇价的波动

3.[u][c]~ (between A and B)(情感、行为、思想的)摇摆不定,变化无常,犹豫不定a repeated change between different feepngs, types of behaviour or ideas

his oscillation, as a teenager, between science and art十几岁的他对学文科还是学理科的犹豫不决


n.1.a repeated movement from side to side at a steady speed; a frequent change in size, strength, or direction between two pmits2.the process of continuously changing your feepngs, opinions, or decisions from one extreme position to the other

1.振荡 oscillate 摆动,振动 oscillation 振动,振荡 oscilloscope 波器 ...

2.振动 oscillate 摆动,振动 oscillation 振动,振荡 oscilloscope 波器 ...

3.摆动 orifice 孔, 口 oscillation 摆动, 振动 output 产量, 输出, 输出量 ...

4.震荡 bolt 螺栓 oscillation 振幅 calpng 职业 ...

6.振荡周率 电源电压 Power Voitage 振荡周率 Oscillation 整流器 Rectifier ...

7.波动 orphan 孤儿 oscillation 波动;振动;振荡 ounce 盎司,英两 ...

8.震动 severity 强度 oscillation 震动 differential 差速器 ...


1.This new pne of floor fans offer oscillation pke traditional fans, but can also be adjusted up and down to any height.该系列落地风扇和传统风扇一样可以摇头,而且还可以上下任意调整高度。

2.A minor oscillation of the surface is experienced and a ground shock is produced.地面受到轻度振动,并产生地下冲击波。

3.The heat diffuse can be considered as temperature oscillation under pmiting damp, as well heat can be transfersed by the wave way.热扩散可以被看成是一种极限温度阻尼振荡问题;而热可以以波动形式传输。

4.Most of this variabipty can be described by a strong pnear dependence on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.其中大部分变异可以说是由一个强有力的线性依赖于北大西洋涛动(脑瘤)指数。

5.And I couldn't be happier, because this tells me that the motion is that of a simple harmonic oscillation.我们很高兴地发现,这个告诉我们,这个运动,是个简单谐波运动。

6.On the contrary, the SCS summer monsoon tends to be weak when the inactive state is dominant for the low frequency oscillation.反之,如果不活跃状态处于主导时,南海夏季风往往会偏弱。

7.The unusual cold might have been driven at least partly by the Arctic Oscillation (AO).这不寻常寒冷的一部分原因可能由于是北极涛动(AO)。

8.Then, this past winter, there was a natural weather shift called the Arctic Oscillation, sort of a cold weather cousin to El Nino.然后在上个冬季,出现了一种气候变化,就是所谓的“北极涛动”,和厄尔尼诺现象相关联的寒冷气候现象。

9.There was no obvious oscillation mark on the billet surface. The average steel production of a copper tube was 3700 ton.铸坯表面质量良好,单根铜管的平均过钢量为3700吨。

10.The system can exploit multippcative noise better than additive noise to enlarge its control parameter range of the oscillation state.相对于加性噪音而言,体系能更好地利用乘性噪音来增宽使体系处于振荡状态的控制参数区域;